Thursday, July 29, 2021

Some good urls

 LX accord will be around 28k OTD give or take and the CR-V LX will be around 30-31K OTD

Caleb Mondoloka
CR-V EX will be around 32-33K OTD, and the Accord doesn't have an EX
only a Sport special edition and Ex-L

STAR interview technique




>  sqlite2 --version

$ yum info sqlite

git - tag

 Tags (label) - Like a tag on your t-shirt @ the store, its  a reference name applied to particular  commit ID.

Git has option to tag a commit in the repository history so that you can find it easily at the later point in time.

To apply tag to a commit
$ git tag -a <pattern->name of the tag> -m "Commit message" <commitid>

If you apply tag on your local repo, it will only be available to local repo.
is it for yourself or for everyone. If its for everyone, you have to apply from remote repo.

Contents of the tag
$ git show <pattern>

Display list of tags available
$ git tag

Push the tags
$ git push --tags
You need to have permission to push tags.

Delete a tag
$ git tag -d <tag>

Naming conversion
Release Version:

Lets do by example

1. Lets first clone the repo
$ git workspace00

2. List all tags available
$ cd workstation; git tag

3. Apply tag
- first find a commit ID and apply
$ git log --oneline -2

$ git tag -a "R1.2" -m "Put comment for release 1.2" <commit_ID>
$ git tag -a "R1.2" -m "Put comment for release 1.2" abc123

Now view the tag
$ git log --oneline -2

now,  you can refer this tag to refer to this commit ID.

$ git show R1.2
shows commit ID and message...

Can you have multiple Tags?
Yes, but need to be different type of tag.

Can you apply one tag on one commit and same on different commit id?
- No

Lets apply a tag
$ git tag -a "R1.3 -m "Comment for release 1.3" abc123

You see one commit id has multiple tags on it. But can not use same tag to apply to different commit ID.

$ git tag -a "R1.3" -m "Put comment for release 1.3" abc123
Fatal: Failed to resolve "abc123" as a valid ref.

We can apply a tag only to one commit at a time.
However one commit id can have multiple tag on it.

if you have permission to push the tag, you can do it.

$ git push --tags

Note: In your org, @private repo, you may not have permission to push it.

$ git tag
$ git tag -d R1.3

$ git log --oneline -2

Repo -> Branch -> Commit_ID

Merge VS Rebase

What is rebase?

- Merge is a process of taking content from one branch and put it into another branch. Merge creates a new commit_ID at the destination branch.

- Rebase is in fact a different type of merge. What it does is, it does not add new commit_ID, but it realign the branch.

Lets say you have branch and some commit ID.
You create a new branch (say test) from one commit ID at master.
and you have some new commit IDs on test branch.

Now, go back to your source branch, and if you do a commit; if you modify something on test branch, and if you try to merge something from test branch to its source branch 'master',  what happens is -
it will take the changes at the source branch 'master' and from the barnch where you trying to mesge.  Both of them put together and it creates new reference which is called 'new commit id' through merge.

- On a latest commit ID, it will feel like this branch is created on new commit ID.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

RHCSA exam prep notes

 1. How to reset root password on RHEL8 server?
-> Reboot your system
-> On your boot (timer) menu, press arrow key
-> Press e to edit
-> Go to the link starts with linux
-> Go to end of the line by pressing end on your keyboard
-> type - rd.break enforcing=0
-> press ctrl+x to save and exit
-> You will be at the prompt menu # Emergency mode
-> Mount sysroot # mount -o remount,rw /sysroot/
# chroot /sysroot
# passwd root

-> Exit exit at the prompt
-> Login to your system and run
# restorecon /etc/shadow

2. Assign static IP address
either use nmcli command line tool or
use manually
# cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
# vi ifcfg-eth0 (interface name)
 DNS1= - DNS server ip

# systemctl restart network
# systemctl restart NetworkManager

# cat /etc/resolv.conf

# netstat -rn

# ping gateway
# ping # if access to outside @internet will allowed.

# ssh hostname (IP)

3. Disable firewall, enable SElinux
# systemctl stop firewalld
# systemctl disable firewalld

# getenforce
# setenforce 0
# vi /etc/selinux/config

4. Set up repo
# vi exam.repo


# yum clean all
#  yum repolist
# yum search httpd
# yum install httpd

5. Assign hostname to your system
# hostnamectl -h
# hostnamectl set-hostname

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Python - day 16 if elif else continue

Session 16
task1: Implement vowel program using if else?

Condition1 condition2 condition3 (Pair conditions)

Note: When we are implementing pair conditions, we should use logical operators to concatinate (join or between).


True and True -> True
True and Flase -> False
False and True -> False
False or False -> False

When do we use operator?
-> When following statement should execute any one condition is true.

Implement vowel program using if else and which should handle case sensitive?

-> Implement above vower program by using if else and which should handle case sensitive by using pre-defined method?

Design with o/p

write a python program to accept student 3 subject marks and display the result?

Step1: Design with O/P

Implement above program using 6 subjects

task5: Accept person age display person status

rpm: Find out what files are in my rpm package

 rpm: Find out what files are in my rpm package

Use following syntax to list the files for already INSTALLED package:
rpm -ql package-name

Use following syntax to list the files for RPM package:
rpm -qlp package.rpm

Type the following command to list the files for gnupg*.rpm package file:
$ rpm -qlp rpm -qlp gnupg-1.4.5-1.i386.rpm

In this example, list files in a installed package called ksh:
$ rpm -ql ksh

See the files installed by a yum package named bash:
repoquery --list bash
repoquery -l '*bash*'

repoquery -l {package-name-here}
repoquery -q -l {package-name-here}
repoquery -q -l --plugins {package-name-here}
repoquery -q -l --plugins *{package-name-here}*
repoquery -q -l --plugins http
repoquery -q -l --plugins ksh

    -l : List files in package
    -q : For rpmquery compatibility (not needed)
    --plugins : Enable plug-ins support

List the contents of a package using yum command

1. Open the terminal bash shell and type:
$ sudo yum install yum-utils

2. See the files installed by a yum package named bash:
$ repoquery --list bash
$ repoquery -l '*bash*'

Creating a CA-Signed Certificate for the Tomcat Server

 Creating a CA-Signed Certificate for the Tomcat Server


1. From the command prompt, go to the folder that contains the keytool.exe file:
 - For Windows systems, go to C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\jre\bin.
 - For Linux systems, go to /usr/lib/jvm/jdkx/bin.

2. To create the keystore file containing the key-pair/certificate to be signed, run the following command:

For Windows:
> keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore "C:\mykeystore.jks" -ext SAN=dns:<domainname>
> keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore "C:\mykeystore.jks" -ext ",,"

For Linux:
# keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore "/mykeystore.jks" -ext SAN=dns:<domainname>

3. Generate a CSR, run the following command:

keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -file C:\tomcat.csr -keystore C:\mykeystore.jks -validity <daysValid> -ext SAN=dns:<domainname>

keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -file C:\tomcat.csr -keystore C:\mykeystore.jks -validity 365 -ext,

4. Upload the CSR to the CA website, indicate the type of Tomcat server, and submit for signing.
5. Download the root, intermediate, and issued server/domain certificates.

6. Import each signed certificate that is issued by the CA using the following commands:

    a. Root certificate:
    keytool -import -alias root -keystore C:\mykeystore.jks -trustcacerts -file C:\valicert_class2_root.crt

    b. Intermediate certificate:
    keytool -import -alias intermed -keystore C:\mykeystore.jks -trustcacerts -file C:\gd_intermediate.crt

    c. Issued server/domain certificate:
    keytool -import -alias tomcat -keystore C:\mykeystore.jks -trustcacerts -file C:\server_certificate_whatevername.crt

Note: The keystore parameter must be the path to the keystore file that was used to generate the CSR. You must use the same keystore file throughout this procedure.

7. Configure certificate
1. Stop the Tomcat Server.
2. Go to software_installation_path/Apache/Conf, and then back up the server.xml file that is part of the Apache configuration.
3. Copy the generated keystore file to software_installation_path/Apache.

4. For new installations of Version 11 SP9 or higher, in the server.xml file, modify the path to the generated keystore file and the keystore password values:

<Certificate certificateKeystoreFile="software_installation_path/Apache/your_file" certificateKeystorePassword="password" certificateKeystoreType="JKS"/>

8. Restart the service
a. Click Start and point to All Programs.
b. Click Commvault > Process Manager.
c. Under the Services tab, right-click a running service and then click Restart.

Python - day15 - if else

 Session 14:  7/15/2021

if <condition>:

a=int(input("Enter first number"))
b=int(input("Please enter 2nd number"))

if a>b:
  print("A is greater then B")
  print("A is less than B"


When will you go for if elif else?
When we have more than 2 options to choose from based on condition, we will use if elif else.
In this case, if the condition is true, it will execute the statement and skips the rest of the statement.

On the other hand, if if condition is false, the control will go to elif part and executes and else part skips. but if elif is false, then executes the else part.

Write a python program to accept one letter and check if it is vowel or not?

Step1: Design with o/p

enter your letter:
user enters a, store a into a variable called letter: a
return: it is vowel.
Enter your letter:
user enter b, store b into variable called letter: b
return: its not a vowel.

letter=input("Enter your letter")
if letter=='a':
  print("It is a vowel")
elif letter=='e':
  print("It is a vowel")
elif letter=='i':
  print("It is a vowel')
elif letter=='o':
  print("It is a vowel')
elif letter=='u':
  print("It is a vowel")
  print("It is not a vowel")

When you run this code
input - enter ur letter
user enters a
condition is true, the it is vowel and rest of the condition is skips.

run it again
user enters b
b=a -> false , skips
b=e and keep checking and it will go to else part and returns the value
it is not vowel.

In this code we have 6 conditions, one for vower and other for consonent

implement above program by using if else?

letter=input("Enter a letter")
  print("The letter is vowel")
  print("The letter is not a vowel"

Implement above vowel program by using if else and which should handle casesensitive?

Step1: Design with 0/p

le=input("Enter a letter")
if (le=='A' or le='a' or le=='E' or le=='e' or le=='I' or le=='i' or le=='o' or le=='O' or le=='U' or le=='u'):
  print(le, "is a vowel")
  print(le, "is not a consonant")

Write a python program to accept student 3 subject marks and display the result?

Step1: Design with O/P

Enter m1 marks: 60
enter m2 marks: 70
enter m3 marks: 80

m1+m2+m3 = 60+70+80 = totmarks
totmarks/3 -> avg marks

Now display result
result can be vary..
1. fail: if > 35 in any one subject
2. First division: if >=60
3. 2nd division: if avgmarks is between 50-59
4. 3rd divison: if avg marks is in between 35 to 49

so output form above command is

Result is: Fist division.

Review and complete these tasks before tomorrow class.


implement above program using 6 subjects.

Accept person's age display person status?

Step1: Design with o/p

1. if age>=59
print senior citizen

2. if age is in between 25 to 57
- working citizen
3. if age is in between 16 and 24
- college students
4. if age is between 4-15
  - school kids
5. if kids are in between 1-3
  playing kids
6. invalid selection

Please enter your age:
user enters 59
sore 59 into a variable 'age' so age=50

you are senior citizen.

Python - Day14 - if else

 Day/Session 14: Condition - 7/14/2021

Simple if
1. if lese
if <condition>:

When condition 1 is true it will execute statemetn1 and if fails, executes2.

first control will check the condition, if the condition is true, it will execute statement 1. it will skip the else statement.

if the condition is false, it will skip the if statement and goes to else part and executes else part.

if <condition>:

control will check the condition. if the condition is true it will enter into if condition and executes the statement 1 and statement 2. It skips the else part.
if condition is false, it skips the if part and conrol goes to else part and executes the else part.

Write a python program to accept i and j value. Compare j and j values:

Step1: Design with o/p

enter i value: 10
10 you store into i, i=10

enter j value: 5
store 5 int j, j=5

Write a condititon j is greater than i.

-> open your idle
File -> new file

i=int(input("Please enter i value"))
j=int(input("Enter j value"))
if i>j:
  print("i is greater than j")
  print("j is greater than j")

run the program

enter 10, 10 will be stored in i
enter next number 5, stored in j.

next compares
i >j -> 10 > j -> condition is true so
it will execute if block. it skips else block.

There is a chance that user may type i=10 and j=10

what happens?
Since if condition evaluates and it is not true, it will skips the if blocks and goes to else part.

Since we don't have choice to write 3rd option, it will executes the else part.

to resolve this issue, we have to go to if, else, if part.

when do you use simple if?
-> we use simple if when particular condition need to verify.
when we have to c
in simple if, we have only one option. That means, when we have one option based on condition, we use simple if.

When do you use if else?
-> When we have 2 options, we want to execute one option based on condition.

3. if elif else
if <condition1>:
elif <condition2>:

when you have more than 2 options.

first control will check condition1. if condition is true, it will execute st1 and skip elif and else part.

2nd option:

control checks the condition1 and if condition1 is false, it will skip and goes to elif and checks condition2. If its true, it executes and skips else part.

if elif contition 2 is false, it will skip the condition2 and control goes to else part and executes st3.


Implement compare i and j using if elif else?
write down all the options

i=int(input("Enter i value:")
j=int(input("Enter j value:")

if i>j:
  print("i is greater than j")
  print(j is greater than i")
  print("i is equal to j")

run the program:
enter i value: 10 -> 10 will be stored in i
enter j value: 5 -> 5 will stored in j

enter 5 and 10
5 greater than 10 -> skip if
compares elif part
conditon is true, executes
and prints the statemetn 2 and skips the else part

3rd, enter 10 and 10
compares first codition - flase,
end condition: false
executes else part.

you can use elif (3rd condition) but its not necessary. ..
Note: Do'nt use unnecesary conditions.

i=int(input("Enter i value:")
j=int(input("Enter j value:")

if i>j:
  print("i is greater than j")
  print(j is greater than i")
elif i==j:
  print("i is equal to j")

Q. Implement above program using the requiremet below.

a. user enters 10 and 5
b. User enters 10 and 10 value
c. User enters 5 and 10 values.
Write the code for this condition

Step1: Design with O/p

Enter i value: 10 - user enter 10
10 stored in 10

enter j value: 5
user enter 5 and stored in j.

and display
i is greater than j.
j value is : 10

i=int(input("Enter i value:")
j=int(input("Enter j value:")

if i>j:
  print("i is greater than j")
  print(The value of i is:", i)
elif j>i:
  print(j is greater than i")
  print("i value is:",j)
elif i==j:
  print("i is equal to j")
  print("i value us:", i)
  print("j value is:",j)

10 adn 5

condition is true, executes the statemetn.
skips rest elif and else part

5>10 - false if skip
elif 5>10 -> false and executes

review the code above...

Python - day13 - if else

 Day 13 - Python 7-13-2021

1. Simple if
if <condition>:

by using relational operators

> -> Greater than
For eg,
-> 10>5  -> true,
   10>20 -> false
   10<20 -> true
   10<5  -> False
   10>=10 -> Yes -> True
   10 <=20 -> True
   10 <=10 -> True
   10==10  -> True
   10!=20  -> True
   10!=10  -> False

<  -> Less than


if 10>5:

we have two statements.
Which statement is conditional dependent statement?
the first one..

what is the output of this code?
Since first condition is true, it will print hi and hello is regular statement, so it will also prints the output

first condition 10>5 is checked and its true so print Hi is printed
the control goes to next statement, and prints hello.

if 10>20:

here you will get only Hello outout

10>20 is false so it skips the statement. goes to next statement and reads it. It prints Hello.

if <condition>:

we have two consitional statement. and one regular statement.

First condition is checked and if it is true, following two statements are printed.

lets say if condition is false, it will skip these two statements and go to next.

we have two statement conditional dependent and we have one conditional indenendent.

what happens when condition is false,
if condition is false, it will skip st1 and st2 and following statement is always executed.

if 10>5:


what is the output?

10>10 true,
control will enter next statement and print Hi, Hello and goes to regular statement and prints bye.

if 10>50:

what is the output?


10>50 will check and it false, it skips that section and goes to next section and prints bye.

Implement divide by zero error program by using simple if to handle run time error.

Design with output(o/p)
Enter first number: 10
10 i sstored into a variable a.
Enter 2nd number: 0
user enter 0 and stored it into a variable b.

Please enter 2nd number other than zero: 5
user enter 5 and stored in c.
Division result is: 2

third statement is condition dependence. if user enter b==0:
checking the condition b.
3rd is condition accepting number other than 0.

So, we have to write a program. How to write a prigarm?

a=int(input("Enter first number:"))
b=int(input("Enter 2nd number:"))
if b==0:
  b=int(input("Please enter 2nd number other than 0"))
print("Division result is:", c)

here, user enters first number 10 stored in a
user enters 0 and stored on b
it will prompt user to enter a number other than zero.

and result will be printed.

lets say frist user enter 10 and stored in a
2nd user enter 5 and stored in b.

enter first number executes and user enters 10 and stored in a
control goes to 2nd line and user enter 0 and 0 is stoed in b.
after that control will check the condition

0=0 which is true and executes next staetmetn.
please enter 2nd number other than zero.
lets assume, user enters 5 and stored in c.
now, control goes to next statement

now, print
Divison result is 2.0.

what happens

simple if is only verifies only once so we have to use loops if you have to verify multiple condition.
our user may not be gentle man who enter only one right answer.

Review yesterday's 5 home work.

Python - Day 12 - condition - if else

 Day 12. Python

Write a python program to accept 2 numbers from the user and perform division and display division result?



vi or open with idle

a=ent(input("Enter first number:"))
b=ent(input("Enter 2nd number:"))
print("Divison result is:", c)

run module

Enter first number:
enter 2nd number:

10 will be storing in a and so on

what happens if user enters 10 and 0?

error: run time error - zeroDivisionError: division by zero
value can not be divide by 0.

in the program above, when user entered first number 10 and second number 0, it will throw divide by zero error (run time error). Because of that program execution will be terminated abnormally.

run the program

enter first no: 10
enter 2nd no: 0


Control Statement
in every programming language, control statement is very importand
how to handle run time errors?
- We can handle run time errors in 2 ways.
1. By using login
2. By using exception handling mechanism

1. By using login
- for this, we use control statement

2. Using exception hadling mechanism

What can we do using control statement?
- Using comtrol statement, we can control the program control execution flow according to our requirement.

When do we use control statement?
-> When we want to control the program execution flow as per our requirement.

We will go for control statements.

In python, we have 3 types of control statements.
1. Conditional statements
2. Loops
3. Transfer Statements

1. Conditional statements

Lets look at 4 scenarios


statement 1
statement 2
statement 3
statement 4
statement 5

you have 5 lines of code and execution in order. We don't need any control statement

2nd scenario


statement 1
statement 2
statement 3 ***
statement 4
statement 5

here staement3 may execute or may not execute. In this type of condition weneed conditional stement


statement 1
statement 2
statement 3 ***
statement 4
statement 5

here statement 3 executing multiple time so we use look

statement 1
statement 2
statement 3  ***
statement 4
statement 5  ***

here, executing 1 and jumping to stetmenet 3 and jumping to 5, we use transfer statement.

as per the situation, we use one of the condition.


1. Conditional statements
What can we do with conditional statement?
- Using conditional statements, we can execute single statement or multiple statements based on condition.

When do we use conditional statements?
-> When you want to execute single statement or multiple statements based on condition, we will use conditional statements.

Types of conditional statements?
- In python, we have following conditional statements

1. Simple if
2. if else
3. if elif
4. multiple if
5. nested if

Write a program using simple if, if else, if elif, multiple if, and nested if.



QXS-4 series chassis overview and qxs-456 chassis overview

xcellis I artico documentation center

Friday, July 23, 2021

Some HP Servers

Some HP servers

HPE DL325 G10 128GB 24 cores
HPE DL380p 384 GB 24 cores
HPE DL580 G10 3TB RAM 88 cores
SuperDome Flex 14TB 288 cores



Tuesday, July 20, 2021

ROM Flash Component for Linux - HPE ProLiant DL325 Gen10 (A41) Servers

 ROM Flash Component for Linux - HPE ProLiant DL325 Gen10 (A41) Servers

 HPE A41 - Bios update

 Download the software

Multi-part downloadFile name:    firmware-system-a41-2.20_2019_09_17-1.1.x86_64.compsig (2.0 KB)   
File name:    firmware-system-a41-2.20_2019_09_17-1.1.x86_64.rpm (16 MB)


To update firmware from Linux operating system on target server:

Install the RPM package
> rpm -Uvh <filename>.rpm

See where the files land
> rpm -qlp <filename>.rpm

Change to the directory you see in the previous step and run hpsetup by typing ‘./hpsetup’ at the command prompt.

 # cd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/firmware.../

# ./hpsetup

login with your iLO management account/PW when prompted

type 'y' and enter to update the software.

when prompt for reboot, say y.


Reboot Requirement:
Reboot is required after installation for updates to take effect and hardware stability to be maintained.




How to create a Linux RPM package


How to create a Linux RPM package

You've written a great script that you want to distribute, so why not package it as an RPM?
How to create a Linux RPM package

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

This article shows you how to package a script into an RPM file for easy installation, updating, and removal from your Linux systems. Before I jump into the details, I'll explain what an RPM package is, and how you can install, query, remove, and, most importantly, create one yourself.

This article covers:

  • What an RPM package is.
  • How to create an RPM package.
  • How to install, query, and remove an RPM package.

What is an RPM package?

RPM stands for Red Hat Package Manager. It was developed by Red Hat and is primarily used on Red Hat-based Linux operating systems (Fedora, CentOS, RHEL, etc.).

An RPM package uses the .rpm extension and is a bundle (a collection) of different files. It can contain the following:

  • Binary files, also known as executables (nmap, stat, xattr, ssh, sshd, etc.).
  • Configuration files (sshd.conf, updatedb.conf, logrotate.conf, etc.).
  • Documentation files (README, TODO, AUTHOR, etc.).

The name of every RPM package is comprised as follows:


An example:


[ You might also enjoy: Linux package management with YUM and RPM ]

How to create an RPM package

You'll need the following components to build an RPM package:

  • A workstation or a virtual machine (I am using Fedora 32 on a virtual machine).
  • Software to build the package.
  • Source code to package.
  • SPEC file to build the RPM.

Installing the required software

The following packages need to be installed to build the RPM package:

$ sudo dnf install -y rpmdevtools rpmlint

After installing rpmdevtools, we can run the following as a user called sai.local:

$ rpmdev-setuptree

Note: Do not build RPM packages as the root user. This is highly discouraged.

The above command creates the following directory structure:

├── RPMS
  • The BUILD directory is used during the build process of the RPM package. This is where the temporary files are stored, moved around, etc.
  • The RPMS directory holds RPM packages built for different architectures and noarch if specified in .spec file or during the build.
  • The SOURCES directory, as the name implies, holds sources. This can be a simple script, a complex C project that needs to be compiled, a pre-compiled program, etc. Usually, the sources are compressed as .tar.gz or .tgz files.
  • The SPEC directory contains the .spec files. The .spec file defines how a package is built. More on that later.
  • The SRPMS directory holds the .src.rpm packages. A Source RPM package doesn’t belong to an architecture or distribution. The actual .rpm package build is based on the .src.rpm package.

A .src.rpm package is very flexible since it can be built and re-built on every other RPM-based distribution and architecture.

Since you're now familiar with what each directory holds, here's how to create a simple but functional bash script that I'll show you how to package.

Create the bash script

You are probably familiar with the following error:


Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!

It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed.
The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is
Please contact your system administrator.
Add correct host key in /home/foo/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.
Offending key in /home/foo/.ssh/known_hosts:42
RSA host key for has changed, and you have requested strict checking.
Host key verification failed.

So the purpose of this bash script is to remove the offending key from ~/.known_hosts without having to manually edit the file and remove 42.

Note that ssh-keygen -R didn’t work in my case, so I created a script called rm-ssh-offendingkey to automate this process. Here it is:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

  local offendingKey="$1"
  local st=1
  if [[ ! -z $offendingKey && $offendingKey =~ [[:digit:]] ]]; then
    sed -i "${offendingKey}d" ~/.ssh/known_hosts
    printf '%s\n' "You need to provide a line number" >&2
  return $st
rmoffendingKey “$1

Place the script in the designated directory

To build the script, you need to put it in the directory the RPM build process is expecting it to be in. Create the directory structure:

$ mkdir p ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/sshscript-1/rm-ssh-offendingkey/

Put the rm-ssh-offendingkey script in the sshscript-1/rm-ssh-offendingkey directory.

Subsequently, I .tar.gz the source as follows:

$ cd ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/ && tar zcvf sshscripts-1.tar.gz sshscripts-1/

Create the .spec file

To be able to package the script, you need to create a .spec file. To make a default .spec file for the package, I am going to use the following syntax:

rpmdev-newspec rm-ssh-offendingkey

Now let’s run tree ~/rpmbuild to see what the directory structure looks like:

├── RPMS
│   └── sshscripts-1
│       └── rm-ssh-offendingkey-1
│           └── rm-ssh-offendingkey
│   └── rm-ssh-offendingkey.spec

The generated rm-ssh-offendingkey.spec file needs some modifications. The generated .spec file assumes that I am going to compile and build software. Since I'm packaging a simple bash script, I'll remove some unnecessary lines from the .spec file and add others. For example, I added Requires: bash so that the package requires bash to be installed as well. I also added BuildArch: noarch which means that the package should work on a 32-bit and a 64-bit CPU architecture.

Name:           sshscripts
Version:        1
Release:        0
Summary:        A simple bash script to remove ssh offending key from known hosts
BuildArch:      noarch

License:        GPL
Source0:        %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz

Requires:       bash

This is a simple script that somehow automates the removal of ssh offending key from the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file

%setup -q


mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}
cp rm-ssh-offendingkey-1/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}



* Sun Nov  8 2020 Valentin Bajrami <> - 0.1
- First version being packaged

It's important to specify which files are going to be installed under the %files section. Here I’ve explicitly put the following line:


This is sufficient since I only want this script to go to /usr/bin. Oh, by the way, %{_bindir} is called a macro and translates to /usr/bin. You can verify this by running:

$> rpm --eval '%{_bindir}'

Other useful macros to be aware of are:

Macro          Translates to
%{_sbindir}    /usr/sbin
%{_datadir}    /usr/share
%{_sysconfdir}    /etc

Checking the .spec file on error (rpmlint)

At the beginning of the article, I installed the rpmlint package along with rpmdev-tools, which helps me to check the .spec file for errors.

$ rpmlint ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/rm-ssh-ffendingkey.spec
/home/sai.local/rpmbuild/SPECS/rm-ssh-ffendingkey.spec: W: invalid-url Source0: sshscripts-1.tar.gz
0 packages and 1 specfiles checked; 0 errors, 1 warnings.

Everthing looks good.

Building the package (rpmbuild)

To build the RPM package you can use the rpmbuild command. Earlier in this tutorial, I mentioned the difference between the .src.rpm (Source RPM package) and the .rpm package.

To create the .src rpm package, use:

$ rpmbuild -bs ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/rm-ssh-offendingkey.spec

The flags -bs have the following meanings:

  • -b | build
  • -s | source

To create the binary .rpm package, use:

$ rpmbuild -bb ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/rm-ssh-offendingkey.spec

The flags -bb have the following meanings:

  • -b | build
  • -b | binary

If all goes well, you now have the following directory structure:

$ tree ~/rpmbuild/
│   └── sshscripts-1
│       ├── debugfiles.list
│       ├── debuglinks.list
│       ├── debugsourcefiles.list
│       ├── debugsources.list
│       ├── elfbins.list
│       └── rm-ssh-offendingkey-1
│           └── rm-ssh-offendingkey
├── RPMS
│   └── noarch
│       └── sshscripts-1-0.noarch.rpm
│   ├── sshscripts-1
│   │   └── rm-ssh-offendingkey-1
│   │       └── rm-ssh-offendingkey
│   └── sshscripts-1.tar.gz
│   └── rm-ssh-offendingkey.spec

11 directories, 10 files

The following lines are indicating that the RPM package has successfully been built.

├── RPMS
│   └── noarch
│       └── sshscripts-1-0.noarch.rpm

Installing the RPM package

After a successful build of the package, you now can install the RPM package as follows:

$ sudo rpm -ivh ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch/sshscripts-1-0.noarch.rpm

Verifying...                          ################################# [100%]
Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
Updating / installing...
   1:sshscripts-1-0                   ################################# [100%]

Verifying the package has been installed

To verify the package has correctly been installed, run the following command:

$ rpm -qi sshscripts-1
Name        : sshscripts
Version     : 1
Release     : 0
Architecture: noarch
Install Date: Mon 09 Nov 2020 01:29:51 AM CET
Group       : Unspecified
Size        : 294
License     : GPL
Signature   : (none)
Source RPM  : sshscripts-1-0.src.rpm
Build Date  : Mon 09 Nov 2020 01:08:14 AM CET
Build Host  : slimmerAI
Summary     : A simple bash script to remove ssh offending key from known hosts
Description :
This is a simple script that somehow automates the removal of ssh offending key from the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file

Querying some more info about the package, in the spec file, I did add a %changelog entry. This %changelog entry can be viewed as follows:

$ rpm -q sshscripts-1 --changelog
* Sun Nov 08 2020 Valentin Bajrami <> - 0.1
- First version being packaged

See what’s in the RPM package

It is very easy and quite convenient to see which files an RPM package contains. This information is retrieved as follows:

$ rpm -ql sshscripts-1

Removing the RPM package

Removing the package from the system is just as easy as installing it.

$ sudo rpm -ve sshscripts-1
[sudo] password for sai.local:
Preparing packages...
  • - v | verbose
  • - e | erase

Final thoughts

In this document, I covered the very basics of an RPM package, including how to build, install, and remove it from your system. The .spec file can get very complicated as you build more advanced software. If you plan to continue your journey on building RPM packages, don’t forget to check out mock and the mock GitHub page.

CommVault - Creating a CA-Signed Certificate for the Tomcat Server

 Creating a CA-Signed Certificate for the Tomcat Server


1. From the command prompt, go to the folder that contains the keytool.exe file:
 - For Windows systems, go to C:\Program Files\Commvault\ContentStore\jre\bin.
 - For Linux systems, go to /usr/lib/jvm/jdkx/bin.

2. To create the keystore file containing the key-pair/certificate to be signed, run the following command:

For Windows:
> keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore "C:\mykeystore.jks" -ext SAN=dns:<domainname>
> keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore "C:\mykeystore.jks" -ext ",,"

For Linux:
# keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore "/mykeystore.jks" -ext SAN=dns:<domainname>

3. Generate a CSR, run the following command:

keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -file C:\tomcat.csr -keystore C:\mykeystore.jks -validity <daysValid> -ext SAN=dns:<domainname>

keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -file C:\tomcat.csr -keystore C:\mykeystore.jks -validity 365 -ext,

4. Upload the CSR to the CA website, indicate the type of Tomcat server, and submit for signing.
5. Download the root, intermediate, and issued server/domain certificates.

6. Import each signed certificate that is issued by the CA using the following commands:

    a. Root certificate:
    keytool -import -alias root -keystore C:\mykeystore.jks -trustcacerts -file C:\valicert_class2_root.crt

    b. Intermediate certificate:
    keytool -import -alias intermed -keystore C:\mykeystore.jks -trustcacerts -file C:\gd_intermediate.crt

    c. Issued server/domain certificate:
    keytool -import -alias tomcat -keystore C:\mykeystore.jks -trustcacerts -file C:\server_certificate_whatevername.crt

Note: The keystore parameter must be the path to the keystore file that was used to generate the CSR. You must use the same keystore file throughout this procedure.

7. Configure certificate
1. Stop the Tomcat Server.
2. Go to software_installation_path/Apache/Conf, and then back up the server.xml file that is part of the Apache configuration.
3. Copy the generated keystore file to software_installation_path/Apache.

4. For new installations of Version 11 SP9 or higher, in the server.xml file, modify the path to the generated keystore file and the keystore password values:

<Certificate certificateKeystoreFile="software_installation_path/Apache/your_file" certificateKeystorePassword="password" certificateKeystoreType="JKS"/>

8. Restart the service
a. Click Start and point to All Programs.
b. Click Commvault > Process Manager.
c. Under the Services tab, right-click a running service and then click Restart.

Windows - Registry backup in Windows Server 2019/2016

 Registry backup in Windows Server 2019/2016

Press WinKey+R or R click on start menu and click on Run
- Type regedit and click ok
-> Click on file -> Export
-> Specify the location and save it with today's data: regedit_bk_07202021

Restore registry from backup
-> Open the registry editor
-> Click on file -> import
-> Specify the backup location
-> Select the file you downloaded before
-> wait for a while, done ..

Paste from Notepad into Word without getting extra line breaks after every line

How to paste content from notes to windows words without line break?

Win-Word adds spacing after each paragraph, and it considers each pasted line a new paragraph.

-> Select all text (e.g. Control-A)
-> Right-click the selected text
-> Then select Paragraph.
-> Check the box "Don't add space between paragraphs of the same style

Friday, July 16, 2021

pyton class

 Session 14:  7/15/2021

if <condition>:

a=int(input("Enter first number"))
b=int(input("Please enter 2nd number"))

if a>b:
  print("A is greater then B")
  print("A is less than B"


When will you go for if elif else?
When we have more than 2 options to choose from based on condition, we will use if elif else.
In this case, if the condition is true, it will execute the statement and skips the rest of the statement.

On the other hand, if if condition is false, the control will go to elif part and executes and else part skips. but if elif is false, then executes the else part.

Write a python program to accept one letter and check if it is vowel or not?

Step1: Design with o/p

enter your letter:
user enters a, store a into a variable called letter: a
return: it is vowel.
Enter your letter:
user enter b, store b into variable called letter: b
return: its not a vowel.

letter=input("Enter your letter")
if letter=='a':
  print("It is a vowel")
elif letter=='e':
  print("It is a vowel")
elif letter=='i':
  print("It is a vowel')
elif letter=='o':
  print("It is a vowel')
elif letter=='u':
  print("It is a vowel")
  print("It is not a vowel")

When you run this code
input - enter ur letter
user enters a
condition is true, the it is vowel and rest of the condition is skips.

run it again
user enters b
b=a -> false , skips
b=e and keep checking and it will go to else part and returns the value
it is not vowel.

In this code we have 6 conditions, one for vower and other for consonent

implement above program by using if else?

letter=input("Enter a letter")
  print("The letter is vowel")
  print("The letter is not a vowel"

Implement above vowel program by using if else and which should handle casesensitive?

Step1: Design with 0/p

le=input("Enter a letter")
if (le=='A' or le='a' or le=='E' or le=='e' or le=='I' or le=='i' or le=='o' or le=='O' or le=='U' or le=='u'):
  print(le, "is a vowel")
  print(le, "is not a consonant")

Write a python program to accept student 3 subject marks and display the result?

Step1: Design with O/P

Enter m1 marks: 60
enter m2 marks: 70
enter m3 marks: 80

m1+m2+m3 = 60+70+80 = totmarks
totmarks/3 -> avg marks

Now display result
result can be vary..
1. fail: if > 35 in any one subject
2. First division: if >=60
3. 2nd division: if avgmarks is between 50-59
4. 3rd divison: if avg marks is in between 35 to 49

so output form above command is

Result is: Fist division.

Review and complete these tasks before tomorrow class.


implement above program using 6 subjects.

Accept person's age display person status?

Step1: Design with o/p

1. if age>=59
print senior citizen

2. if age is in between 25 to 57
- working citizen
3. if age is in between 16 and 24
- college students
4. if age is between 4-15
  - school kids
5. if kids are in between 1-3
  playing kids
6. invalid selection

Please enter your age:
user enters 59
sore 59 into a variable 'age' so age=50

you are senior citizen.

Git branch show detached HEAD

  Git branch show detached HEAD 1. List your branch $ git branch * (HEAD detached at f219e03)   00 2. Run re-set hard $ git reset --hard 3. ...