Friday, August 14, 2020

HP-SPP - firmware patch..

Go to software location
# cd /repo/HP/SPP

Mount the image
# mount -o loop PL6....gen10spp...iso /tmp/a
# mkdir /hpspp
# rsync -av /tmp/a/ /hpspp/
# cd /hpspp; ./
SUM uses /var as log dir. does not have write/exec permission

# more
# vi ./packages/smartupdate

look for noexec and put double quote on "$MOUNT_TEMPDIR " - These are 2 places

result=`mount | grep -i "$MOUNT_TEMPDIR "

# nohup ./ &
# cat nohup.out
get the url

# xhost +
# firefox
past the URL and follow the step

- localhost guided
- interactive
- next next
- deploy

once done, reboot

If it prompts for password
# ps -ef | grep sum
# kill <PID>
# rm -rf /var/tmp/sum

Or using cdrom

burn burn iso to cdrom and get external cdrom

plug in to your server.

login to ILO console

reboot the machine .

press F10 or F11 to boot from cd .. pick the best option

select external cd or something

and just follow the steps

Thursday, August 13, 2020

How to export as a root user on RHEL7

 [sam@master ~]$ xhost +

[sam@master ~]$ xauth list

[sam@master ~]$ echo $DISPLAY

[sam@master ~]$ sudo su -

[root@master ~]# xauth list

[root@master ~]# xauth list server:  MIT ..cookie.. dd2....

[root@master ~]# xauth list

[root@master ~]# firefox

Ansible Questions

    This is not mine!!!

    finded in net

    may be have errors!

    putted AS IS


    translated from google


    RHCA DO407

    1. Install and configure Ansible
    Install and configure ansible and ansible control node control.labx.example. com is as follows:
    Create a named/home/student/ansible/inventory, static inventory file as shown below:
    2.1 servera is the dev host group members

    2.2 serverb is the test host group members

    2.3 serverc and serverd, and then is the prod host group members

    2.4 serverb is balancers the hosts of the group a member

    2.5 prod group is webservers host-group members

    3. Create a named /home/student/ansible/ansible.cfg configuration file,as shown below:

    3.1 host inventory file /home/student/ansible/inventory
    3.2 the script in the role of the position is defined as /home/student/ansible/roles
    Practice environment in the workstation, log in the student user,the exam environment in remote_user = matthew,here is devops

    1. Switch to the student user, creating the ansible and the role catalog

    su - student
    mkdir-p /home/student/ansible/roles
    cd /home/student/ansible
    2. Edit the inventory file

    [student@workstation ansible]$ cat inventory 
    serverd, and then
    3. Edit the ansible configuration file

    [student@workstation ansible]$ cat ansible. cfg 
    remote_user = devops
    inventory = /home/student/ansible/inventory
    roles_path = /home/student/ansible/roles
    ask_pass = Flase

    4. ping test

    [student@workstation ansible]$ ansible all -m ping
    serverd, and then | SUCCESS => {
     "changed": false, 
     "ping": "pong"

    servera | SUCCESS => {
     "changed": false, 
     "ping": "pong"

    serverb | SUCCESS => {
     "changed": false, 
     "ping": "pong"

    serverc | SUCCESS => {
     "changed": false, 
     "ping": "pong"
    2. As a system administrator, you need to in a managed node is installed on the software
    Create a named /home/student/ansible/ shell script that runs an ansible ad-hoc command on each managed node to create a yum repository, as shown below:

    The name of the repository is: exam_rhel
    Description is: EX407 software
    The basic URL is:
    Enable GPG signature checking
    GPG key URL is:
    6. Enable the repository
    1. Create a repository script,note the url where the url is the practice environment of the url,not the above topic test url,your own environment is rhel7. 5

    [student@workstation ansible]$ cat 
    #!/ bin/bash
    ansible all -m yum_repository-a 'name=Exam_RHEL description="EX407 software" baseurl= gpgcheck=yes gpgkey= enabled=yes'
    2. Change the script permission and execute the script

    sudo chmod 755 && /
    3. Check the yum source is configured

    ansible all-m shell-a 'cat /etc/yum. repos. d/Exam_RHEL. repo'

    [student@workstation ansible]$ ansible all-m shell-a 'cat /etc/yum. repos. d/Exam_RHEL. repo'
    serverc | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
    baseurl =
    enabled = 1
    gpgcheck = 1
    gpgkey =
    name = EX407 software

    serverb | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
    baseurl =
    enabled = 1
    gpgcheck = 1
    gpgkey =
    name = EX407 software

    servera | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
    baseurl =
    enabled = 1
    gpgcheck = 1
    gpgkey =
    name = EX407 software

    serverd, and then | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
    baseurl =
    enabled = 1
    gpgcheck = 1
    gpgkey =
    name = EX407 software
    3. Install the package
    The installation package create a file called/home/student/ansible/packages. yml script

    In dev, test and prod host group on a host to install php and mariadb packages
    The development tools package Group is mounted to the dev host group on a host
    In the dev host group on a host to update all packages to the latest version
    1. Edit package. yml file

    [student@workstation ansible]$ cat package. yml 
    - hosts: dev,test,prod
     - name: install php and mariadb
     name: "{{ item }}"
     state: present
     - php
     - mariadb

     - name: install group Dev
     name: "@Development Tools"
     state: present
     when: ansible_hostname in groups["dev"]

     - name: update
     name: "*"
     state: latest
     when: ansible_hostname in groups["dev"]
    2. Check the syntax

    ansible-playbook-2.7 --syntax-check package. yml
    3. Verify that the installation no

    [student@workstation ansible]$ ansible dev,test,prod -m shell -a "rpm -qa |egrep 'php|mariadb'"
    serverb | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
    mariadb-libs-5.5.56-2. el7. x86_64
    php-cli-5.4.16-45. el7. x86_64
    mariadb-5.5.56-2. el7. x86_64
    php-common-5.4.16-45. el7. x86_64
    php-5.4.16-45. el7. x86_64

    serverd, and then | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
    mariadb-libs-5.5.56-2. el7. x86_64
    php-cli-5.4.16-45. el7. x86_64
    mariadb-5.5.56-2. el7. x86_64
    php-common-5.4.16-45. el7. x86_64
    php-5.4.16-45. el7. x86_64

    serverc | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
    mariadb-libs-5.5.56-2. el7. x86_64
    php-cli-5.4.16-45. el7. x86_64
    mariadb-5.5.56-2. el7. x86_64
    php-common-5.4.16-45. el7. x86_64
    php-5.4.16-45. el7. x86_64

    servera | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
    mariadb-libs-5.5.56-2. el7. x86_64
    php-cli-5.4.16-45. el7. x86_64
    php-common-5.4.16-45. el7. x86_64
    php-5.4.16-45. el7. x86_64
    mariadb-5.5.56-2. el7. x86_64

    4. Using a RHEL system roles
    Install timesync, the role of the package,the download address http://materials/timesync-1.0.1.tar.gz

    And create a file called/home/student/ansible/timesync. yml script:

    On all managed hosts running on the
    Use timesync role.
    Configure the role to use the time server 172. 24. 1. 254(in our lab is 172. 25. 254. 254)
    The role configuration for the iburst parameter is set to enabled
    1. To install this role,here with the yum install not,can only use the ansible-galaxy way to install

    sudo yum install-y rhel-system-roles
    2. Writing software source address

    cat get_timesync. yml 
    - src: http://materials/timesync-1.0.1.tar.gz name: linux-system-timesync 
    3. Install timesync into the roles/directory

    ansible-galaxy install-r get_timesync. yml-p roles/
    4. Write the script file

    cat timesync. yml
    - hosts: all
     - hostname:
     iburst: yes

     - role: linux-system-timesync
    5. Detection of syntax, the real implementation, see the effect

    ansible-playbook --syntax-check timesync. yml
    ansible-playbook timesync. yml
    ansible all-m shell-a 'chronyc sources'

    servera | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
    210 Number of sources = 1
    MS Name/IP address Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample
    ^* 8 6 77 46 -14ms[ -16ms] +/- 18ms
    5. Install and use the role
    Use Ansible Galaxy to create the name for the/home/student/ansible/roles/requirememts. yml

    Download later and install in the/home/student/ansible/roles under

    1. Downloadhttp://materials/haproxy.tar.gz, the role name should be the balancer

    2. Downloadhttp://materials/phpinfo.tar.gz, the role name should be phpinfo

    1. Write requirements. yml script

    cat requirements. yml 
    - src: http://materials/haproxy.tar.gz
     name: balancer

    - src: http://materials/phpinfo.tar.gz
     name: phpinfo
    2. Install roles to files

    ansible-galaxy install-r /home/stuednt/ansible/roles/requirements. yml-p /home/student/ansible/roles
    6. Create and use a character
    According to the following requirements in the/home/student/ansible/role create a named apache role

    Copy the default template directory to the/tmp/custom/,and add the templates directory,create a role, specify the template directory to/tmp/custom
    Install the httpd package, start when Enable, then start
    Firewall is enabled and use the Allow access to web server rule to run
    A template file index. html. j2 exists, used to create files /var/www/html/index.html the output is as follows:
    Welcome to {{ FQDN }} on {{ IPADDRESS }}

    Create a named/home/student/ansible/newrole. yml

    The script on the webservers host-group host to run on
    1. Initialize the apache roles directory

    ansible-galaxy init apache --init-path /home/student/ansible/roles
    2. Go to this directory,and create a templates directory(not only created)

    cd /home/student/ansible/roles/apache && mkdir templates
    3. Edit the task script file

    [student@workstation apache]$ cat tasks/main. yml 
    # tasks file for apache
    - name: Install httpd
     name: httpd
     state: present

    - name: Start httpd
     name: httpd
     state: started
     enabled: yes

    - name: start firewalld
     name: firewalld
     state: started
     enabled: yes

    - name: firewalld permits http service
     service: http
     state: enabled
     permanent: true
     immediate: yes

    - name: create /var/www/html/index.html
     src: index. html. j2
     dest: /var/www/html/index.html
     setype: httpd_sys_content_t
    4. Edit the page template file

    [student@workstation apache]$ cat templates/index. html. j2 
    Welcome to {{ ansible_fqdn }} on {{ ansible_default_ipv4. address }}
    5. Edit start role script

    [student@workstation ansible]$cat /home/student/ansible/newrole. yml
    - hosts: webservers
     - apache
    6. Check the syntax,execute the script,see the effect

    ansible-playbook --syntax-check newrole. yml 
    ansible-playbook newrole. yml 

    curl http://serverc
    Welcome to on

    curl http://serverd
    Welcome to on
    7. Make Ansible Galaxy created role
    Create a roles. yml script file

    In the balancers host to deploy the balancer role

    The webservers host-deploy phpinfo role

    1. Edit the script file

    cat roles. yml
    - hosts: balancers,webservers
     - { role: balancer,when: "ansible_hostname in groups['balancers']" }

    - hosts: webservers
     - phpinfo
    2. Test, the real execution of the script

    ansible-playbook-C roles. yml
    ansible-playbook roles. yml
    3. Detection operating results

    [student@workstation ansible]$ curl http://serverb
    Welcome to on

    [student@workstation ansible]$ curl http://serverc
    Welcome to on

    [student@workstation ansible]$ curl http://serverb/hello.php
    Hello PHP World form

    [student@workstation ansible]$ curl http://serverc/hello.php
    Hello PHP World form
    8. Create a partition
    Write a script location in the/home/student/ansible/partition. yml,on all hosts on the run,requirements are as follows:

    In the vdb,and create a primary partition,numbered 1,size 1500MiB
    Formatted into ext4 file system,hanging on to /newpart
    If you are unable to create the requested partition size, you should use the error message “Unable to create the size of partition”, should be displayed, but should be using the size of 800Mib the
    If the device vdb does not exist, the error message "disk is not present" it should be displayed
    The pseudo-code logic

    if vdb is exist 
     fdisk vdb size=1500Mbib && mkfs.ext4 mount /dev/vdb1 /newpart
     fdisk vdb size=800Mbib && mkfs. ext4 mount /dev/vdb1 /newpart
     echo does exist partion vdb
    1. Write the partition script

    [student@workstation ansible]$ cat partition. yml 
    - hosts: all
     - name: "1. test vdb is exist"
     shell: ls /dev/vdb
     register: msg
     ignore_errors: yes

     - name: "2. if vdb not exist output error msg"
     msg: "the vdb is not exist"
     when: msg is failed
     failed_when: msg is failed

     - name: "3. create partition size of the 1500MiB"
     - name: "3-1. create a vdb1"
     number: 1
     device: /dev/vdb
     part_start: 1MiB
     part_end: 1500MiB
     state: present

     - name: "3-2. show error msg"
     msg: "clound not create partition of that size"

     - name: "3-3. create a 800MiB" 
     number: 1
     device: /dev/vdb
     part_start: 1MiB
     part_end: 800MiB
     state: present

     - name: "4. create filesystem" 
     dev: /dev/vdb1
     fstype: ext4

     - name: "5. create directory"
     path: /newpart
     state: directory
     mode: '0755'

     - name: "6. mount device"
     src: /dev/vdb1
     path: /newpart
     fstype: ext4
     state: mounted
    3. To see the effect

    [student@workstation ansible]$ ansible all-m shell-a "lsblk"
    serverb | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
    vda 253:0 0 40G 0 disk 
    └─vda1 253:1 0 40G 0 part /
    vdb 253:16 0 1G 0 disk 
    └─vdb1 253:17 0 799M 0 part 

    serverd, and then | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
    vda 253:0 0 40G 0 disk 
    └─vda1 253:1 0 40G 0 part /
    vdb 253:16 0 1G 0 disk 
    └─vdb1 253:17 0 799M 0 part 

    serverc | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
    vda 253:0 0 40G 0 disk 
    └─vda1 253:1 0 40G 0 part /
    vdb 253:16 0 1G 0 disk 
    └─vdb1 253:17 0 799M 0 part 

    servera | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
    vda 252:0 0 40G 0 disk 
    └─vda1 252:1 0 40G 0 part /
    vdb 252:16 0 1G 0 disk 
    └─vdb1 252:17 0 799M 0 part 
    8.1 create and apply a logical volume
    In the/home/student/ansible/create a lv. yml file,let it in all the hosts on the run,requirements are as follows:

    Create a logical volume size 1500MiB,from the research in the volume group to
    Use ext4 to format this logical volume
    Achieve boot automatically mount to the/data directory,only the host is qa only can
    If the logical volume size cannot be created,the output error information
    Could not create logical volume of that size

    And use 800MiB size to create a logical volume

    If you research this volume group does not exist,then output an error message:does not exist
    1. Create a research of the volume group,the default does not exist,to create the

    A A to all hosts on the go to create

    2. Write the script file

    [student@workstation ansible]$ cat lv. yml
    - hosts: all
     - name: 1. check research is exist
     shell: vgdisplay research
     register: res
     ignore_errors: yes

     - name: 2. output error msg if research Center VGROUP not exist
     msg: "The research volume is not exist"
     when: res is failed
     failed_when: res is failed

     - name: 3. create 1500MiB logical volume
     - name: 3.1 create lvx
     vg: research 
     lv: lvx
     size: 1500m

     - debug:
     msg: "3.2 Could not create logical volume of that size"

     - name: 4. create 800MiB size logical volume
     lv: lvx
     vg: research
     sieze: 800m

     - name: 5. format logical volume
     dev: /dev/research/lvx
     fstype: ext4

     - name: 6. create directory
     path: /data
     state: directory
     ignore_errors: yes

     - name: 7. mount to /data
     path: /data
     src: /dev/research/lvx
     fstype: ext4
     state: mounted
     when: ansible_hostname in groups['qa']
    9. Generate a host file
    Download to /home/student/ansible (the exam environment without can download a template file,needs its own to write)
    Completion of the template, so you can use it for each stock generated by the host and /etc/hosts format the same row of the file.
    Create a named/home/student/ansible/host. yml script,use this template in the dev host group on a host to generate the file/etc/myhosts. yml
    After completion, the dev host group on a host/etc/myhosts file should be as shown below localhost localhost. localdomain localhost4 localhost4. localdomain4

    ::1 localhost localhost. localdomain localhost6 localhost6. localdomain6 serverb servera serverc serverd, and then

    1. First, copy hosts to hosts.j2

    [student@workstation ansible]$ sed '3,$d' /etc/hosts > /home/student/ansible/hosts. j2
    2. At the bottom add the following code,note the bottom loop inside the code is one line finished.

    [student@workstation ansible]$ cat /home/student/ansible/hosts. j2 localhost localhost. localdomain localhost4 localhost4. localdomain4
    ::1 localhost localhost. localdomain localhost6 localhost6. localdomain6

    {% for host in groups['all'] %}
    {{ hostvars[host]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'] }} {{ hostvars[host]['ansible_fqdn'] }} {{ hostvars[host]['ansible_hostname'] }}
    {% endfor %}
    3. Write the script file

    [student@workstation ansible]$ cat /home/student/ansible/hosts. yml
    - hosts: all
     - name: copy j2
     src: hosts. j2
     dest: /etc/myhosts
     when: ansible_hostname in groups["dev"]
    4. Detection of the syntax,the analog test is performed,the real implementation of

    ansible-playbook --syntax hosts. yml
    ansible-playbook-C hosts. yml
    ansible-playbook hosts. yml
    5. To verify the results

    [student@workstation ansible]$ ansible dev-m shell-a 'cat /etc/myhosts'
    servera | SUCCESS | rc=0 >> localhost localhost. localdomain localhost4 localhost4. localdomain4
    ::1 localhost localhost. localdomain localhost6 localhost6. localdomain6 serverb servera serverc serverd, and then
    10. Modify the file content
    Create a named/home/student/ansible/issure. yml script as follows:

    The script runs on all hosts
    the playbook will be/etc/issue contents replaced with a single line of text, as shown below:
    2.1 in the dev host group on a host, content:Development

    2.2 in the test host group on a host, the content:test

    2.3 A in the prod host group on a host, the content:Production

    1. Write a screenplay

    [student@workstation ansible]$ cat /home/student/ansible/issue. yml 
    - hosts: all
     - name: replace content1
     content: "Development"
     dest: /etc/issue
     when: ansible_hostname in groups["dev"]

     - name: replace content2
     content: "Test"
     dest: /etc/issue
     when: ansible_hostname in groups["test"]

     - name: replace content3
     content: "Production"
     dest: /etc/issue
     when: ansible_hostname in groups["prod"]
    2. Detect grammatical,simulation execution,real execution

    ansible-playbook --syntax-check issue. yml 
    ansible-playbook-C issue. yml
    ansible-playbook issue. yml
    3. To view the run results

    [student@workstation ansible]$ ansible all-m shell-a 'cat /etc/issue'
    serverd, and then | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>

    servera | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>

    serverc | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>

    serverb | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
    11. Create a web content directory
    Create a named/home/student/ansible/webcontent. yml playbook. yml as follows:

    playbook in dev host group of Managed nodes running on the
    Create the directory/webdev with the following requirements:
    2.1 the webdev group members

    2.2 permissions:owner=read+write+excute, group=read+write+excute,other=read+excute

    2.3 special permissions:set Group ID

    创建文件/webdev/index.html it's content is:Development,will/webdev link to/var/www/html/webdev
    1. Edit the script file

    [student@workstation ansible]$ cat /home/student/ansible/webcontent. yml 
    - hosts: dev
     the heart: true
     - name: 1. Install httpd
     name: "{{ item }}"
     state: present
     with_items:[ httpd,firewalld ]

     - name: 2. Start httpd
     name: httpd
     state: started
     enabled: yes

     - name: 3. start firewalld
     name: firewalld
     state: started
     enabled: yes

     - name: 4. firewall permits http service
     service: http
     state: enabled
     permanent: true
     immediate: yes

     - name: 5. create a group
     name: webdev
     state: present

     - name: 6. create a directory
     path: /webdev
     state: directory
     group: webdev
     mode: '2775'
     setype: httpd_sys_content_t

     - name: 7. create a link
     src: /webdev
     dest: /var/www/html/webdev
     state: link

     - name: 8. copy content
     content: "Development"
     dest: /webdev/index.html
     setype: httpd_sys_content_t
    2. Check the syntax,the real implementation of

    ansible-playbook --syntax-check the webcontent. yml
    ansible-playbook webcontent. yml
    3. To access the test

    curl http://servera/webdev/index.html
    12. Generate a hardware report
    Create a named/home/student/ansible/hwreport. yml playbook.

    In all of the managed node generates a named/root/hwreport. txt output file, and provide the following information:

    inventory host name
    total memory (MB)
    BIOS version
    device vda size
    device vdb size
    Output each line of the file contains one key-value pairs your script should be:
    1). Download file hwreport it. In the url empty, 并将其保存为/root/hwreport.txt

    2). Modify with correct value /root/hwreport.txt

    3). If the hardware key does not exist, then the relevant value is set to NONE

    1. Write hwreport script

    [student@workstation ansible]$ cat hwreport. yml
    - hosts: all
     - lineinfile:
     path: /root/hwreport.txt
     line: "{{ item }}"
     create: yes
     - "host_name = {{ ansible_hostname | default(none) }}"
     - "mem_total = {{ ansible_memtotal_mb | default(none) }}m"
     - "bios_ver = {{ ansible_bios_version | default(none) }}"
     - "vda_size = {{ ansible_devices. vda. size | default(none) }}"
     - "vdb_size = {{ ansible_devices. vdb. size | default(none) }}"
    2. Detection of syntax, the real implementation of

    ansible-playbook --syntax-check hwreport. yml
    ansible-playbook hwreport. yml
    3. Test execution results

    [student@workstation ansible]$ ansible all-m shell-a "cat /root/hwreport.txt"
    serverb | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
    inventory_name = 
    total_mem = 488
    bios_version = 0.5.1
    vda_size = 40.00 GB
    vdb_size = 1.00 GB

    serverc | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
    inventory_name = 
    total_mem = 488
    bios_version = 0.5.1
    vda_size = 40.00 GB
    vdb_size = 1.00 GB

    serverd, and then | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
    inventory_name = 
    total_mem = 488
    bios_version = 0.5.1
    vda_size = 40.00 GB
    vdb_size = 1.00 GB

    servera | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
    inventory_name = 
    total_mem = 487
    bios_version = 0.5.1
    vda_size = 40.00 GB
    vdb_size = 1.00 GB
    13. Create a password database
    Create an Ansible repository user password as follows

    Insurance library name is /home/student/ansible/locker.yml
    The vault contains the following two variables:
    2.1 pw_developer value is Imadev
    2.2 pw_manager value is Imamgr

    Encryption and decryption of the password is: whenyouwishuponastar
    The password is stored in the /home/student/ansible/secret.txt file
    1. Create a password file

    [student@workstation ansible]$ cat /home/student/ansible/secret.txt 
    2. According to the password file create an encrypted yml script file

    ansible-vault --vault-password-file=secret.txt create /home/student/ansible/locker.yml
    #Enter edit mode enter the following content
    pw_developer: Imadev
    pw_manager: Imamgr
    3. Use password,check the encrypted locker.yml file

    ansible-vault view locker. yml --vault-password-file=/home/student/ansible/secret.txt
    Expand:use the ansible-vault encrypt/decrypt a file that already exists

    ansible-vault --vault-password-file=secret.txt encrypt issue.yml
    ansible-vault --vault-password-file=secret.txt the decrypt issue.yml

    14. Create a user account
    Download file and save it to /home/student/ansible/user_list. yml
    Using /home/student/ansible/locker.yml in the password (on the above topic has been created before), create a file /home/student/ansible/users.yml to save these accounts:
    2.1 having developer job description the user should:

    2.1.1 in the dev and test host group is created on the managed node

    2.1. 2 from pw_developer variable assign a password

    2.1.3 is part of the devops group members

    2.2 has the management functions described in the user as:

    2.2.1 in the prod host group of Managed nodes are created on the

    2.2. 2 from pw_manager variable assign a password

    2.2.3 belong to the opsmgr team members

    The password should be using a SHA512 hash format
    Your script should use the vault password file in other place to create this exam.
    1. Prepare a user list file(the file in environment download less)

    [student@workstation ansible]$ cat user_list. yml 
      - name: node1
        job: developers
      - name: node2
        job: developers
      - name: node3
        job: manager

    2. Write a CREATE USER script
    [student@workstation ansible]$ cat users.yml
    - hosts: all
        - locker. yml
        - user_list.yml
       - name: create developer ops mgr
         #1. Create two groups
          - group:
              name: devops
              state: present
          - group:
              name: opsmgr
              state: present
         #2. Create a developer user group 
          - user:
              name: "{{ item. name }}"
              password: "{{ pw_developer | password_hash('sha512') }}"
              state: present
              groups: devops
            with_items: "{{ users }}"
         when: ( ansible_hostname in groups['dev'] or ansible_hostname in groups['test'] ) and item. job == "developers"
         #3. Create an opsmgr group of users
          - user:
              name: "{{ item. name }}"
              password: "{{ pw_manager | password_hash('sha512') }}"
              state: present
              groups: opsmgr
            with_items: "{{ users }}"
            when: ansible_hostname in groups['prod'] and item. job == "manager"

    4. Detect grammatical, simulation execution, test results

    ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=secret.txt users.yml --syntax-check
    ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=secret.txt users.yml --check
    ansible-playbook --vault-password-file=secret.txt users.yml
    5. Test results

    ansible all -m shell- a 'id nodeX'
    15. Ansible vault with Rekey
    Rekey an existing Ansible vault is as follows:

    Download and save as/home/student/ansible/salaries. yml;
    The current vault password for insecure4sure;
    The new wallet password for bbe2de98389b;
    The vault is still in use the new password encryption state;
    1. salaries.yml download no,need to create yourself

    [student@workstation ansible]$ ansible-vault create salaries. yml
    #Prompt to enter a password and confirm
    New Vault password: insecure4sure
    Confirm New Vault password: insecure4sure

    #Editing interface,and add the following content
    2. Set a new password

    [student@workstation ansible]$ ansible-vault rekey salaries. yml 
    Vault password: insecure4sure
    New Vault password: bbe2de98389b
    Confirm New Vault password: bbe2de98389b
    Rekey successful
    3. Use the new password to view encrypted files

    [student@workstation ansible]$ ansible-vault view salaries.yml 
    Vault password: bbe2de98389b

    16. Update the kernel
    Write update_kernel. yml

    1. Install the latest version of the kernel

    2. All the hosts kernel after the update is completed,restart

    3. Wait for the restart after a good,put the kernel version information is written to /root/update. txt

    1. Write the script file

    [student@workstation ansible]$ cat update_kernel. yml 
    - hosts: all
     - name: 1. update kernel
     name: "kernel"
     state: latest
     register: msg
     ignore_errors: true

     - name: 2. if the kernel is update over
     msg: "kernel is update over"
     when: msg is failed
     failed_when: msg is failed

     - name: 3. reboot the host
    #Directly restart will not be able to perform the following task, so here is the first sleep a bit, then perform
     shell: "sleep 1 && shutdown-r now"
     async: 1
     poll: 0
     ignore_errors: true

     - name: 4. wait for host start
     host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
     state: started
     delay: 30
     timeout: 300
     port: 22
     #Because the remote host has been shutdown, so this task can only be in the present machine to perform
     delegate_to: localhost

     - name: 5. write udpate info to file
     shell: "uname-r > /root/update.txt" 
     delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
    2. Execute the script

    [student@workstation ansible]$ ansible-playbook update_kernel. yml 
    3. View the updated file

    [student@workstation ansible]$ ansible all-m shell-a 'cat /root/update.txt'
    servera | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
    3.10.0-862. el7. x86_64

    serverc | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
    3.10.0-862. el7. x86_64

    serverd, and then | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
    3.10.0-862. el7. x86_64

    serverb | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
    3.10.0-862. el7. x86_64
    The original statement, this article is the author authorized cloud+community published, without permission, may not be reproduced.

Friday, August 7, 2020

ANsible install and set up - updated

 Server information

Setting up LAB Environment - High level tasks
Control machine  ---ssh---->  Target machine

A. System build
1. Build one Control and at least 2 target machines
2. make sure ssh is running on both machines
3. Create user for ansible use.

B. ssh set up
4. Generate ssh-key-pair using ssh-keygen
5. Add public key to authorized_keys ssh-copy-id
6. Test passwordless connectivity with ssh

C. Set up ansible
7. Install ansible on control node
8. Define Target hosts in ansible inventory file
9. Test connectivity with ansible
   $ ansible target -i inventory -m ping

I have three CentOS servers. These servers are also going to be used for kubernetes.


Add this entry to your /etc/hosts file since we won't have DNS server.
You should be able to make a connection between master and the worker nodes.
Add user sam to wheel group. or
add sam to sudoers file to run commnads without prompting for password.
# cat > /etc/sudoers.d/sam

$ echo "$(whoami) ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/$(whoami)

Installing ansible on Centos 8.x
On master server perform the following tasks.

1. Update the DNF package repository cache
# dnf makecache

2. Download and Install epel-release package
# wget
# yum localinstall epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm

3. update the DNF package repository cache again
# dnf makecache

4. Now, Install ansible
# dnf install ansible

5. Verify ansible is installed.
# ansible --version
# ip a s | more

6. Set up passwordless authentication.
Generate ssh-key and copy to worker node
[sam@master ~]$ ssh-keygen -b 2048
[sam@master ~]$ ssh-copy-id master
[sam@master ~]$ ssh-copy-id worker1
[sam@master ~]$ ssh-copy-id worker2
[sam@master ~]$ ssh worker1
[sam@master ~]$ ssh worker2

7. Now, lets create an inverntory file which contains all your systems.
Inventory file contains all managed hosts.
By default it reads from ansible.cfg file.
To list all inventory files
$ ansible all --list-hosts

To see your config file, run

[sam@master ~]$ ansible --version
ansible 2.9.11
  config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
  configured module search path = ['/home/sam/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible
  executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
  python version = 3.6.8 (default, Apr 16 2020, 01:36:27) [GCC 8.3.1 20191121 (Red Hat 8.3.1-5)]
[sam@master ~]$ pwd
[sam@master ~]$ mkdir ansible; cd ansible
[sam@master ~]$ cat myhosts

List all your hosts from hostfile 'myhosts' and test the connection
[sam@master ~]$ ansible -i myhosts-m ping worker1
[sam@master ~]$ ansible -i myhosts all

You will see SUCCESS result.

Note: The host file is not on config file, that we why we are specifying hosts with -i flag.

Now, edit the config file and go under [defaults] and specify the hosts record location.
$ sudo vi /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
inventory      = /home/sam/ansible/myhosts

[sam@master ansible]$ ansible all --list-hosts
  hosts (3):

Lets modify the inventory file.
[sam@master ansible]$ cat myhosts
master ansible_user=sam

worker1 ansible_user=sam
worker2 ansible_user=sam

Now, lets ping the webserves.

[sam@master ansible]$ ansible -m ping WebServer
worker1 | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"
worker2 | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/libexec/platform-python"
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"
[sam@master ansible]$

Note: Ansible works on push mechanism which chef, puttet work on pull mechanism.

Now, lets go ahead and check if httpd hpackage is installed on worker node 1 and 2

[root@worker1 ~]# rpm -qa | grep httpd

No result is returned. Now, go back to control node and start a task to install package on target node: worker1

[sam@master ansible]$ ansible -b --become-method=sudo -m shell -a 'yum install -y httpd' WebServer
[WARNING]: Consider using the yum module rather than running 'yum'.

Go to node 1 and check, you will get result this time.
[root@worker1 ~]# rpm -qa | grep httpd

Now, goahead and remove it. There is a better way to install software.

[sam@master ansible]$ ansible -b --become-method=sudo -m shell -a 'yum erase -y httpd' WebServer

check on worker nodes, its gone now.

Now, lets use package module to install.
[sam@master ansible]$ ansible -b --become-method=sudo -m package -a 'name=httpd state=present' WebServer

Go to the target nodes and verify that packages are installed.

Now, remove those packages
[sam@master ansible]$ ansible -b --become-method=sudo -m package -a 'name=httpd state=absent' WebServer

You have to look for status
"changed": true,


[sam@master ansible]$ more myserv.yml
- hosts: WebServer
    - package: "name=httpd state=present"
    - copy: "src=web.html" dest=/var/www/html"
    - service: "name=httpd state=started"

change it to below
- hosts: WebServer
    - package:
        name: "httpd"
        state: "present"
    - copy:
        src: "web.html"
    - service:

[sam@master ansible]$ cat web.html
This is a page created for ansible
[sam@master ansible]$ cat myhosts
master ansible_user=sam

worker1 ansible_user=sam
worker2 ansible_user=sam
[sam@master ansible]$

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Git Intro

git - the simple guide

1. Download and Installation
- GO to the link below and download the software. Follow the installation guide.

2. Create a local repository

# mkdir /mygit; cd /mygit
# git init

Create a working copy of local repository
$ git clone /path-to_repo

or if you are suing remote server
$ git clone user@host:/path/to/repository

How it works (Workflow)

Local repository consosts of three tree maintained by git.

1. Your working directory
  - This directory holds the actual files.
2. The index
- This acts as a staging area
3. The HEAD
- it points to the last commit you have made.

Working dir ---Add --> Index (stage) --Commit--> HEAD

Add and Commit

You can propose changes (Add it to the index) using
$ git add <filename> or
$ git add *

This is a first step in basic fit workflow. To actually commit these changes use
$ git commit -m "Commit messages"

Now, the file is committed to the HEAD but not in your remote repository yet

Pushing changes
Your changes are now in the HEAD of your local working copy. TO send these changes to your remote repository, run the following command

$ git push origin master
master is the name of branch. Change it to whatever branch you want to push to.

If you haven't cloned an existing repository and wnat to connect your repository to a remote server, you need to add it with

$ git remote add origin <server>

Now, you are able to push your changes to the selected remote server.

Branches are used to develop features isolated from each other. The master branch is the "default" branch which you create a repository. Use other branches for development and merge them back to the master branch upon completion.

branch         /       master        \  merge

Create a new branch named "feature_x" and switch to it using
$ git checkout -b feature_x

Switch back to master
$ git checkout master

Delete the branch you created
$ git branch -d feature_x

a branch is not available to others unless you push the branch to your remote repository.
$ git push origin <branch>

Update and merge
To update your local repository to a  newest commit, run
$ git pull

In your working directory to fetch and merge remote changes

To merge another branch into your active branch (say master), use
$ git merge <branch>

In both cases git tries to auto-merge changes. Unfortunately, this is not always possible and results in conflicts. You are responsible to merge those conflicts manually by editing the files shown by git. After changing you need to mark them as merged with
$ git add <filename>

Before merging changes, you can also preview them by using
$ git diff <source_branch> <target_branch>

Ansible Intro

What is an ansible?
It is an IT automation, configuration management and provisioning tool.
It uses 'playbook' to deploy, manage, built, test and configure anything from full server environments to websites to custom compiled source code for applications.

Ansible operates only with ssh. It uses the push method, requiring no client installation or configuration on client side. (Need to install python on client machine).
- Ansible uses pure in order execution, which can be easy to read as well as convert from other language or scripts.
- Ansible is built upon python and the huge standard of inclusive functionality that comes with it.
- It is based on YAML standard.

It brings together aspect of environment management that has been traditionally separate and managed independently.

So, ansible is
a. Change Management
b. Automation
c. Provisioning
d. Orchestration

a. Change Management
- Define a system state
  - Enforce the system State

System State
- Apache web server Installed
- Apache Web at version x.x.xx
- Web server started

- A function is idempotent if repeated applications has the same affect as a single application

b. Automation
- Define tasks to be executed automatically
  - Ordered tasks
  - Make decisions
  - Ad-hoc tasks

- Set it and forget
  - Run the task
  - Get a cup of coffee
  - Walk back to desk seeing tasks finished
  - Sip your coffee and feel productive

c. Provisioning
- Prepare a system to make it ready
  - Trasition from one state to a different state
for eg,
 - Make an ftp server
 - Make an email server
 - Make a DB server

Basic OS --------------------> Web Server

1. install web software
2. Copy configurations
3. Copy web files
4. Install security updates
5. Start web service

d. Orchestration
- Coordinates automation between systems
Task1 - System1
Task2 - System2
Task3 - System3
Task4 - System1

What ansible makes it so different?
- Its clean ..
- No agents
- No database
- No residual software
- No Complex upgrades

Ansible execution
- No programming required
- Not a markup language
- Structured
- Easy to read and write

Built-in Security
- Uses ssh
- Root/sudo usage
- Encripted vault
- No PKI needed.

What are ofther similar tools
There are so many great tools available with different use case. Some of them are:

- Puppet
- Chef
- Salt
- Jenkins
- Fabric

Ansible works at a high level that it can also be used in conjuction with one or more of these tools. It is often called an 'orchestration' tool since it can function independently as weel as 'control' one or more of the tools above.

Core component of Ansible
1. Inventories
2. Modules
3. Variables
4. Facts
5. plays and Playbook
6. Configuration files
7. Templates
8. Roles
9. Ansible Vault

1. Inventories
Inventories can be of
1. Static
2. Dynamic

- Local host databse is at /etc/ansible/hosts
- Can be called using -i option from different file location

- can be feed via a program
- or using facts

2. Modules
- Module makes ansible intellegent
- These are tools in the workshop
- Modules can be run directly or through the playbook against hosts.
- You can write your own module
- Example of module can be ping, yum, ..

3. Variables
- Variables are very handly when dealing with different systems and their functions.
- It allow you to customize the behavior for each systems.
- Variable names should be letters, numbers, and underscores
- Variables should always start with letter.
- It can be defined in in the inventory file and also on playbook.
- We can use jinja2 template system to reference the variable. For eg,
  player={{ player_list }}

4. Ansible Facts
- ANsible facts is a way of getting data from your system.
- These facts can be used in playbook variables.
- You can disable facts gathering in a playbook.
- The reason is:
  - Its not always required.
  - It can speed up the executing
     - hosts: mainhosts
       gather_facts: no

5. Play and playbooks
- Like modules in puppet and cookbooks in chef, playbook in ansible
- A play is a task that used to perform in a host machine.
- A playbook is a task
- Playbooks are your instruction manuals, the hosts are the raw materials.
- Playbook is written YAML format.

Playbooks are devided into 3 sections
1.Target section
– Define on which host machines the playbook would run.
  Its like nodes.pp in puppet and run-list in chef.

2. variable section
– defines variables which can be used in playbooks

- List all modules intend to run in order.

6. Configuration Files
- The default config file is /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
- You can enable or disable options in config file.
- You can use config files if you want to use different options
The order is as follows:
a. ANSIBLE_CONFIG is an environment variable
b. ansible.cfg in the current directory
c. .ansible.cfg in the home directory
d. finally the default /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg

- What is templates?
- There is an ansible module called template.
- A template is a definition and set of parameters for running an ansible job.
- Job templates are useful to execute the same job again and again.
- Variables can be used in templates to populate the content.

- A task in a playbook can be trigger a handler.
- Used to handle error conditions.
- Called at the end of each play.
- You can have multiple tasks trigger another actions.

- A playbook is a standalone file ansible runs to set up your servers.
- Roles can be through of as a playbook thats split into multiple files.
  for eg, one file for tasks, one for variables, and one for handlers
- They are a method you use to package up tasks, handlers and everything else you need into reusable components you put together and include in a playbook.
- Ansible Galaxy is a repository for roles people have created for tasks.

Ansible Vault
- Ansible vault is a secure store.
- It allows ansible to keep sensitive data such as passwords, encripted files
- A commandline tool ansible-vault is used to edit the files.
- Command line flag is used --ask-vault-pass or --vault-password-file

Installing Ansible on CentOS 8

Server information

I have three CentOS servers. These servers are also going to be used for kubernetes.


Add this entry to your /etc/hosts file since we won't have DNS server.
You should be able to make a connection between master and the worker nodes.
Add user sam to wheel group. or
add sam to sudoers file to run commnads without prompting for password.
# cat > /etc/sudoers.d/sam

$ echo "$(whoami) ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/$(whoami)

Installing ansible on Centos 8.x
On master server perform the following tasks.

1. Update the DNF package repository cache
# dnf makecache

2. Download and Install epel-release package
# wget
# yum localinstall epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm

3. update the DNF package repository cache again
# dnf makecache

4. Now, Install ansible
# dnf install ansible

5. Verify ansible is installed.
# ansible --version
# ip a s | more

6. Set up passwordless authentication.
Generate ssh-key and copy to worker node
[sam@master ~]$ ssh-keygen -b 2048
[sam@master ~]$ ssh-copy-id master
[sam@master ~]$ ssh-copy-id worker1
[sam@master ~]$ ssh-copy-id worker2
[sam@master ~]$ ssh worker1
[sam@master ~]$ ssh worker2

7. Now, lets create an inverntory file which contains all your systems.
[sam@master ~]$ mkdir ansible
[sam@master ~]$ cat myhosts

List all your hosts from hostfile 'myhosts' and test the connection
[sam@master ~]$ ansible -i myhosts-m ping worker1
[sam@master ~]$ ansible -i myhosts all

You will see SUCCESS result.

Git branch show detached HEAD

  Git branch show detached HEAD 1. List your branch $ git branch * (HEAD detached at f219e03)   00 2. Run re-set hard $ git reset --hard 3. ...