Saturday, June 22, 2024

Git branch show detached HEAD


Git branch show detached HEAD

1. List your branch

$ git branch

* (HEAD detached at f219e03)


2. Run re-set hard

$ git reset --hard

3. Check the log info

$ git log

4. Checkout to your master branch, in my case 00

$ git branch

* (HEAD detached at f219e03)


$ git checkout 00

$ git branch

* 00

$ cd ../..

$ git status

On branch master

Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean

$ iac state pull

$ lscrypt unseal

$ lscrypt read -d dominos template.yml


    host: https://exp.local/landscapes/template-bas.git

    username: john

    password: jfe7uhTY-mVPJhtdWV

$ cd landscape-scripts/

$ more env-config.yaml

Git branch show detached HEAD

  Git branch show detached HEAD 1. List your branch $ git branch * (HEAD detached at f219e03)   00 2. Run re-set hard $ git reset --hard 3. ...