Friday, August 14, 2020

HP-SPP - firmware patch..

Go to software location
# cd /repo/HP/SPP

Mount the image
# mount -o loop PL6....gen10spp...iso /tmp/a
# mkdir /hpspp
# rsync -av /tmp/a/ /hpspp/
# cd /hpspp; ./
SUM uses /var as log dir. does not have write/exec permission

# more
# vi ./packages/smartupdate

look for noexec and put double quote on "$MOUNT_TEMPDIR " - These are 2 places

result=`mount | grep -i "$MOUNT_TEMPDIR "

# nohup ./ &
# cat nohup.out
get the url

# xhost +
# firefox
past the URL and follow the step

- localhost guided
- interactive
- next next
- deploy

once done, reboot

If it prompts for password
# ps -ef | grep sum
# kill <PID>
# rm -rf /var/tmp/sum

Or using cdrom

burn burn iso to cdrom and get external cdrom

plug in to your server.

login to ILO console

reboot the machine .

press F10 or F11 to boot from cd .. pick the best option

select external cd or something

and just follow the steps

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