Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Ansible - Redhat Seminar


Redhat ansible - Seminar ..

 Anant -> Redhat -> Seminar ..

Re-wrting strategy to automate organizations tasks.

tesla's charging strategy

- new normal to use automation
automation inproves accountability, effeciency

Automation was already there, on different form but that automation was on silos... (SILOS)

automated -> SOLOS -> are still -> SILOS

We need enterprise wide, or organization level automation.

- Individual must first get benefit saving time, ease of doing the job.
- Team get benefit and other team get benefit by adapting it. When team benefits whole interprise gets befefits.

Automation for everyone
-> Designed around the way people work and the way people work together.

Automation happens When a person encounters a problem, they never want to solve again..
- you put steps together, and job is done in short time...

Everyone thinks about automation.

We try to minimize the risk by automating...

Enterprise level automation
-> Different teams within the organization need to talk, communicate to make sure everything is working or not

Why ansible?
puttet, chef, ansible, terraform, salt .....

Get tools

- For automation to scale
- It must be simple to learn
- Easy to learn (simplicity)

Why ansible is widely adoptable
Simple, powerful, agentless
-> Written in human readable languages
-> You don't have to have coding skill
-> Task execute in order
-> Usable by every team.
-> get productive quickly

-> App deployment
-> Configuration management
-> Workfolow orchestration
-> Network automation
-> Orchestrate the app lifecycle

-> Agentless achitecture
-> Uses openssh & WinRM
-> No agents to exploit or update
-> Get started immediately

What can I do using ansible?
- automate the deployment and management of your entire IT footprint

Do this
configuration management
application deployment
continous delivery
security and compliance

On these
load Balancer
Applications ....

automate technologies
Digital Ocean

RHEL and Linux

Virt & COntainers



EAGAGE ->    Ansbile:-     engage user with an automation focused experience
Scale  ->    Ansible Tower:- operate and control at scale
Create ->    Ansible Enginer:- Universal language of automation

content hub -> playbook, rules ....
playbooks are prewritten -> you can leverage... you need to certified content ...

modules, playbook, roles .. certified ...

RIO -> Return on investment

AUtmoated  USE case

- Platform automation
-> 150 + linux modules

autmate everything

Windows automation
- 90+ windows modules


800+ cloud modules -> proviosing, network

30+ cloud platfomr -> puplic/private cloud, azure, aws, google cloud .. rackspace ...

Network Automation
-> 65+ network platform - cisco, juniper .....

1000+ network modules
15 - Galaxy Network roles..

Security automation
11+ security platforms
800+ security modules

Start small, think big
start with read-only

Crwal, walk , run and fly ...

The world is automating .. those who succeed in automation will win

Automation helps you on any job you do on any field..

Learn, sustain, survive

Learn, upgrade
-> Technology
kubernates, ansible

-> Approval from chain of people

automation, containerazation
->  ease

Create your own production like env and test it.

Even I slip, I may not fall...

Barsako hiloma chipler ke bho ra? na ladhe t bhaee hallyo ni ..?

Know about Edge Computing -> Computer at the Edge -> Self driving computer 

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