Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Kubernetes - Secret - day 8

 Kubernetes secrets

Kubernetes - 1/20/2021

> kc get pod
> kc describe pod mypod1

you can see the pw, but you have to secure it ..

We put password on command line on previous class. It was clear password, it can be a shoulder hacking ...

we use yaml code
- you put password on a box and safe it.
- You give box name to developer and tell that there is a box and password is there
- When you write code, give a reference of this box.
- On this box,  you can keep other secret information such as pw, credit info ...
  its on key value pair format and its a secret.
- In kubernetes term, it is called secret. (Ansible it is called vault)
* secret is not a way to encript your data, it is not... thats why we don't use any key.

Use case
> kc describe pod mypod1
- you won't be able to see the pw
- you give reference to the secret box.

> kc get secrets

> kc delete all --all

> kc run -f
> kc get pods
kc logs mydb

missing class

> kc getr secrets mysecrets

Displays the yaml output
> kc get secrets mysecret -o yaml

google for
base64 encode and decode

Two ways to create secret
create a secret from yaml
from command line

kubectl create --help

you can create secret, service, ingress, conjob, deployment  and lots of other services

but no replication controller, only option is to create through yaml file.
kc create -f

> kc create secret -h
three kind of secrets
- docker-registry
- generic
- tls

kc create secret generic mys  --from-literal=p1=redhat

> kc get secrets
> kc get pods


use openssl command to create
ssl base64

- name: MYSQL_USER
      name: mysecret
      key: u
- name: MYSQL_PASS
       name: mysecret
       key: up
  value: mpdb

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