Friday, July 9, 2021

Python - Assignment

 Task1: Write a python program to accept student information and
store into 3 variables
student id store into sid variable
student name store into sname variable
student phone number store into sphno variable
print these 3 values?



Task 2 - Write a python program to accept customer information and store into 3 variables. i.e
customer id into cid variable
customer name into cname variable
customer mail id into cmailid variable
customer phone number into cphno

print cid,cname,cmail,cmailid,cphnoto the user?

Step1 - Output
id: 123
name: Ram
phone: 123456



Task1: Write a python program to accept student 3 subject marks and store into 3 variables. Calculate the total marks and display the total marks?

Task2: Write a python program to accept student 6 subject marks and store into 6 variables. Calculate the total marks and average marks. Finally display the total marks and average marks to the user?

task3 - Write a python program to accept 3 products cost and store into 3 variables . Calculate 10% discount then display total bill to the user after the discount?

Task4 - write a python program to accept 6 products cost and store into 6 variables and calculate 20% discount and 30% tax. Then calculate total bill and display the total bill after discount and tax.

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