Thursday, February 10, 2022

Day10 - Ansible intro

 2/10/2022 - class notes

- ansible/terraform
















configured manually

ssh to host




10 servers need to install

100 servers



proxy server

1 - servers - 10 minutes

10 - servers -> 30-60 minutes

Avoid manual

- automate

3 nodes

1 loadbalancer

10 more







configuration management code


remote side execution


Puppet, Chef (pull based architecture)


- puppet master (holds the code)

- puppet node (install puppet agent, agent pulls the code from server and executes)

  • Request

  • Catalog

  • Report 

You have to maintain the server. It may be expensive to maintain. To avoid this kind of tool, they came up with push based architecture.

- simple and clean

- easy to understand

Push model …

Agent less


Need to develop a python based framework. Write code on python.


- need ssh communication

- push model

- ssh 

- no agent needed.

- develop source code

DSLs - Domain specific language

- derived from the base programming language.

- python

- yaml 


- easy to learn

- written in python

- Easy to install and configure

- no need to install ansible on client

- Highly scalable..

How does it works?

Using ansible playbooks, which are written in a very simple language: yaml

Configuration management

Run from the server and the target server is configured automatically.



- playbook

- inventories

- Modules

- List of hosts

- Where playbook task

Minimum 2 hosts required. Master/node

1. Ansible host

2. Host

Lets go ahead and create instances.

- Create 2 aws instances. T2-micro or small.

- security group - launch it.

Tag: ansible-host, node01

Login to ansible host

# which python3 - it is available by default


# which ansible # not available. We have to install it

# apt update/upgrade

# apt install ansible # try to see if you can install


Puppet => agent/pull/ruby based

Check => agent/pull/ruby

Ansible => agent less/push/python

Salt => agent/push/python

Out of these ansible is simple. 

puppet , chef faster, secure

Salt is also security wise good tool.

# ls -l /usr/bin/ansible

Ansible => ad-hoc commands

Ansible-playbook => yaml

1. Maintain inventory file

# hostname -i

Get the ip address - private (in our case)

# cd /etc/ansible; ls -l 

# vii hosts

# ansible -i hosts all -m ping 

Permission denied.

We have to authenticate it. 

Ansible modules list

# ansible -i hosts al l-m ping -u root -k

ssh password:

It will prompt you for a password.

But it failed again. Authentication is denied for this user to login remotely.

Generate key

# ssh-keygen

# ls -l .ssh

#copy public key to client system at host_dir/ .ssh/authorized_keys

# vi /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg

Enable configuration here. 

# host_key_checking = False

# log_path = /var/log/ansible.log

# ansble -i hosts all -m ping

ansible -docs


# ansible -i hosts <groupname or ip> -m apt -a “name=tree state=latest

# ansible -i hosts all -m apt -a “name=tree state=latest””

No package matching available.

Since its a brand new machine, we have to update.

# ansible -i hosts all -m apt_repostory -a “repo=ppa:nginx/stable”

It's going to update the repository. Now run,

# ansible -i hosts all -m apt -a “name=tree state=latest”

Look for the output.

# which tree

Run the same command 2nd time, you get green color. First time, you see yellow color.

2nd time, you see change = falst. 

If package is already installed, it does not do nothing. It is called idempotent.

Desire state is not changed. 

# ansible -i hosts all -m apt -a “name=tree state=absent”

Yellow color

Run it again, you get green color

Run it again,

# ansible -i hosts all -m apt -a “name=tree state=latest”

It will install and shows yellow color.

You can run one command at a time. This command is called ad-hoc command. If you want to run multiple command, you can’t do this way. How can you achieve running multiple command?

- by using yaml file.

# cat example.yaml

# cat nginx.yml


How to install nginx server manually on ubuntu?

1. Install nginx pkg

 $ sudo apt update; sudo apt install nginx

2. Create our website


3. Set up virtual hosts

4. Activate virtual host and test the result

# ansible -i hosts all -m apt -a “name=tree state=latest”

# cat nginx.yml

  • Hosts: remote  # define host group, ip


  • Name: add repo

  • name: install package nginx


  Name: nginx

  state: latest 

Vi /etc/ansible/hosts



# cat nginx.yml


- hosts: remote  # define host group, ip


  - name: add repo nginx


      repo: "ppa:nginx/stable"

   -name: install package nginx


        name: nginx

        state: latest

   - name: start service ngins if not started


       name: nginx

       state: started

  name: install package nginx


  Name: nginx

  state: latest 


service(package a, state b) {

return a+b;


- name: add methid


    package: nginx

    state: started

add (int, int b) {

return a+b;


add a=10, b=20

- name: add method


   a: 10

   b: 20



# now need to start service

go to service module -> go under examples...

Vi /etc/ansible/hosts



# ansible-playbook -i hosts nginx.yml

just observer the output

- remote

- gathering facts

- add repo

- install package nginx

- start service ngins

- play recap


get the ip address of the host and paste at the browser, you will see nginx page.

# cat nginx.yml


- hosts: remote  # define host group, ip


  - name: add repo nginx


      repo: "ppa:nginx/stable"


  -name: install package nginx


        name: nginx

        state: latest

   - name: start service ngins if not started


       name: nginx

       state: started

   - name: create a dir tutorial # google for file module, look for eg,


       path: /etc/myfile.txt

       state: directory

    - nameL copy index.html file


        ser: index.html

        dest: /var/www/tutorail/index.html

    - name start nginx if not started


        name: nginx

        state: started

# we have to create virtual host

   - name copy tutoril


        ser: tutorial

        dest: /var/www/tutorail/tutorial

once  you updated, or modified, we have to restart the service. 

we have to speacify nofity 


get the ip address of the host and paste at the browser, you will see nginx page.

# cat nginx.yml


- hosts: remote  # define host group, ip


  - name: add repo nginx


      repo: "ppa:nginx/stable"


  -name: install package nginx


        name: nginx

        state: latest

   - name: start service ngins if not started


       name: nginx

       state: started

   - name: create a dir tutorial # google for file module, look for eg,


       path: /etc/myfile.txt

       state: directory

    - nameL copy index.html file


        ser: index.html

        dest: /var/www/tutorail/index.html

# we have to create virtual host

   - name copy tutoril


        ser: tutorial

        dest: /var/www/tutorail/tutorial

    - name start nginx if not started


        name: nginx

        state: started

      notify: restart service ngins


    - name: start servie ngins, 


       name: nginx

       state: restarted

# cd /etc/ansible

$ vi tutorial

jenkins ubuntu install

convert commands into yaml and try it

# ansible-playbook -i hosts nginx.yml

review the output..

green color, already perfored, yellow color, its performed now.

go to browser

1p:81 => you see the content.

next class ...

- ansible roles, running multiple service 

- terraform, monitoring

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