Monday, February 1, 2021

Linux class table of contents

 Linux class table of contents


Week 1
- Course Intro and Overview (01:41)
- Getting Help / Discussion Forum
- Course Download (02:31)
- Creating a Local Lab Environment – Background (16:28)
- Exercise 1 – Creating a Local Lab Environment – Instructions (14 Pages)
- Exercise 1 – Walkthrough – Part I – Windows Users Only (04:18)
- Exercise 1 – Walkthrough – Part I – Mac Users Only (01:56)
- Exercise 1 – Walkthrough – Part I – Linux (CentOS/RHEL) Users Only (02:53)
- Exercise 1 – Walkthrough – Part II – All Users (22:54)
- Vagrant and VirtualBox Troubleshooting Tips (08:02)
- Local User Creation – Intro (02:47)
- Getting Started with Shell Scripting: Naming, Permissions, Variables, Built-ins (35:03)
- Special Variables, Pseudocode, Command Substitution, if Statement, Conditionals. (23:15)
- Exit Statuses, Return Codes, String Test Conditionals, More Special Variables. (17:39)
- Reading Standard Input, Creating Accounts, Username Conventions, More Quoting. (23:27)
- Local User Creation – Script 1 – Instructions (5 Pages)
- Local User Creation – Script 1 – Walkthrough (21:22)
- Submit Your Assignment for Script 1
-  Watch me troubleshoot a student’s shell script (4:52)

Week 2
- Random Data, Cryptographic Hash Functions, Text and String Manipulation. (31:02)
- Positional Parameters, Arguments, for Loops, Special Parameters (29:48)
- The while Loop, Infinite Loops, Shifting, Sleeping (16:12)
- Local User Creation – Script 2 – Instructions (5 Pages)
- Local User Creation – Script 2 – Walkthrough (20:09)
- Submit Your Assignment for Script 2
- Advanced Standard Input, Standard Output, and Standard Error – Part I (13:26)
- Advanced Standard Input, Standard Output, and Standard Error – Part II (25:45)
- Local User Creation – Script 3 – Instructions (6 Pages)
- Local User Creation – Script 3 – Walkthrough (11:57)
- Submit Your Assignment for Script 3
- Review What You’ve Learned so Far (07:47)

Week 3
- Case Statements (19:56)
- Functions (33:09)
- Parsing Command Line Options with getopts, Part 1 (20:16)
- Parsing Command Line Options with getopts, Part 2 (17:34)
- Deleting and Disabling Linux Accounts, Part 1 of 4 (Finding Files) (11:23)
- Deleting and Disabling Linux Accounts, Part 2 of 4 (The userdel command) (5:06)
- Deleting and Disabling Linux Accounts, Part 3 of 4 (Archives with tar) (13:37)
- Deleting and Disabling Linux Accounts, Part 4 of 4 (Disabling Accounts) (8:08)
- Deleting Users – Script 4 – Instructions (7 Pages)
- Deleting Users – Script 4 – Walkthrough (32:47)
- Submit Your Assignment for Script 4

Week 4
- Cut and Awk (21:37)
- Cut and Awk Demonstration Script: Open Network Ports (9:43)
- Sort and Uniq (18:05)
- Parsing Log Files – Script 5 – Instructions (4 Pages)
- Parsing Log Files – Script 5 – Walkthrough (14:32)
- Submit Your Assignment for Script 5
- Data Manipulation and Text Transformations with Sed
- Configuring a Mini Network and Scripting for Remote Systems (30:11)
- Scripting Remote Commands – Script 6 – Instructions (12 Pages)
- Scripting Remote Commands – Script 6 – Walkthrough – Part 1 (25:44)
- Scripting Remote Commands – Script 6 – Walkthrough – Part 2 (12:37)
- Submit your Assignment for Script 6
- Scripting Software Installs, Both Local and Remote(27:40)
- Breaking and Continuing Loops (07:47)
- Remote Software Install – Script 7 – Instructions (8 Pages)
- Submit your Assignment for Script 7
- Remote Software Install – Script 7 – Walkthrough (16:25)
- Scheduling Your Scripts with Cron (25:55)
- Viewing Running Processes (13:35)
- Monitoring Processes – Script 8 – Instructions (7 Pages)
- Submit your Assignment for Script 8
- Monitoring Processes – Script 8 – Walkthrough

Bonus Week (Catch Up and Real World Implementation)
- Use this time to complete any assignments you missed and get help.
- Think of a task or something you would like to automate or script.
- Write the pseudocode for your script
- Write a shell script of YOUR choosing
- Submit your shell script.

- What Shell Scripting Is and Why You Should Learn It (09:38)

Linux Shell Scripting: A Project-Based Approach to Learning

     Course Introduction
        Course Intro and Overview (01:41)
        Course Download (02:31)
    Course Setup: Creating a Local Linux Shell Scripting Environment
        Creating a Local Lab Environment – Background (16:28)
        Exercise 1 – Creating a Local Lab Environment – Instructions (14 Pages)
        Exercise 1 – Walkthrough – Part I – Windows Users Only (04:18)
        Exercise 1 – Walkthrough – Part I – Mac Users Only (01:56)
        Exercise 1 – Walkthrough – Part I – Linux (CentOS/RHEL) Users Only (02:53)
        Exercise 1 – Walkthrough – Part II – All Users (22:54)
        Vagrant and VirtualBox Troubleshooting Tips (08:02)
    User and Account Creation – Shell Scripting Project 1
        Local User Creation – Intro (02:47)
        Getting Started with Shell Scripting: Naming, Permissions, Variables, Built-ins (35:03)
        Special Variables, Pseudocode, Command Substitution, if Statement, Conditionals. (23:15)
        Exit Statuses, Return Codes, String Test Conditionals, More Special Variables. (17:39)
        Reading Standard Input, Creating Accounts, Username Conventions, More Quoting. (23:27)
        Local User Creation – Exercise 2 – Instructions (5 Pages)
        Local User Creation – Exercise 2 – Walkthrough (21:22)
    Password Generation and Shell Script Arguments – Shell Scripting Project 2
        Random Data, Cryptographic Hash Functions, Text and String Manipulation. (31:02)
        Positional Parameters, Arguments, for Loops, Special Parameters (29:48)
        The while Loop, Infinite Loops, Shifting, Sleeping (16:12)
        Local User Creation – Exercise 3 – Instructions (5 Pages)
        Local User Creation – Exercise 3 – Walkthrough (20:09)
    Linux Programming Conventions – Shell Scripting Project 3
        Advanced Standard Input, Standard Output, and Standard Error – Part I (13:26)
        Advanced Standard Input, Standard Output, and Standard Error – Part II (25:45)
        Local User Creation – Exercise 4 – Instructions (6 Pages)
        Local User Creation – Exercise 4 – Walkthrough (11:57)
    Parsing Command Line Options – Shell Scripting Project 4
        Case Statements (19:56)
        Functions (33:09)
        Parsing Command Line Options with getopts, Part 1 (20:16)
        Parsing Command Line Options with getopts, Part 2 (17:34)
        Deleting and Disabling Linux Accounts, Part 1 of 4 (Finding Files) (11:23)
        Deleting and Disabling Linux Accounts, Part 2 of 4 (The userdel command) (5:06)
        Deleting and Disabling Linux Accounts, Part 3 of 4 (Archives with tar) (13:37)
        Deleting and Disabling Linux Accounts, Part 4 of 4 (Disabling Accounts) (8:08)
        Deleting Users – Exercise 5 – Instructions (7 Pages)
        Deleting Users – Exercise 5 – Walkthrough (32:47)
    Transforming Data / Data Processing / Reporting – Shell Scripting Project 5
        Cut and Awk (21:37)
        Cut and Awk Demonstration Script: Open Network Ports (9:43)
        Sort and Uniq (18:05)
        Parsing Log Files – Exercise – Instructions (4 Pages)
        Parsing Log Files – Walkthrough (14:32)
        Data Manipulation and Text Transformations with Sed
    Network Scripting and Automation of Distributed Systems
        Configuring a Mini Network and Scripting for Remote Systems (30:11)
        Scripting Remote Commands – Exercise – Instructions (12 Pages)
        Scripting Remote Commands – Walkthrough – Part 1 (25:44)
        Scripting Remote Commands – Walkthrough – Part 2 (12:37)
        Scripting Software Installs, Both Local and Remote(27:40)
        Breaking and Continuing Loops (07:47)
        Remote Software Install – Exercise – Instructions (8 Pages)
        Remote Software Install – Walkthrough (16:25)
        Scheduling Your Scripts with Cron (25:55)
        Viewing Running Processes (13:35)
        Monitoring Processes – Exercise – Instructions (7 Pages)
        Monitoring Processes – Walkthrough (27:37)
    Course Summary
        Summary (07:47)
    Course Extras
        What Shell Scripting Is and Why You Should Learn It (09:38)
    Open All · Close All


Shell Scripting: Discover How to Automate Command Line Tasks


Start Here – Course Overview and Downloads
- Course Overview
- Course Downloads, Including the scripts used in the course and a cheat sheet
Shell Scripting, Succinctly
- Section Overview – Shell Scripting, Succinctly
- Shell Scripting, Part I
- Shell Scripting, Part II
- Shell Scripting: Quiz 1
- Shell Scripting, Succinctly – Practice Exercises
Exit Statuses and Return Codes
- Exit Statuses and Return Codes
- Exit Status Demo
- Shell Scripting: Quiz 2 – Exit Statuses and Return Codes
- Exit Statuses and Return Codes – Practice Exercise
- Functions, Part I
- Functions, Part II
- Shell Scripting: Quiz 3 – Functions
- Functions – Practice Examples
Shell Script Checklist and Template
- Shell Script Checklist and Template (video)
- Shell Script Checklist and Template
- Introduction to Wildcards
- Wildcard Introduction, Part I
- Wildcard Introduction, Part II
- Wildcards in Shell Scripts
- Wildcard Scripting Demo
- Shell Scripting: Quiz 4 – Wildcards
- Wildcards – Practice Exercises
Case Statements
- Case Statements
- Shell Scripting: Quiz 5 – Case Statements
- Case Statements – Practice Exercises
- Logging
- Shell Scripting: Quiz 6 – Logging
- Logging – Practice Exercises
While Loops
- While Loops, Part I
- While Loops, Part II
- Shell Scripting: Quiz 7 – While Loops
- While Loops – Practice Exercises
- Debugging Essentials
- More Debugging Tips
- Shell Scripting: Quiz 8 – Debugging
- Debugging – Practice Exercises
Data Manipulation and Text Transformations with Sed
- Data Manipulation and Text Transformations with Sed
Scripts Used to Create This Course
- Scripts Used to Create This Course
- Slides
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Linux Security


Course Overview and Downloads
- Course Overview
- Course Downloads
General Security
- Section Overview – General Security
- Is Linux Secure?
- What Makes Linux Secure?
- Security Guidelines and Principles
- Section Summary – General Security
- Linux Security: Quiz 1 – General Security Principles
Physical Security
- Section Overview – Physical Security
- Physical Security Concepts
- Single User Mode Security
- Single User Mode and Blank Passwords
- Securing the Boot Loader
- Disk Encryption
- Encrypting a New Device, Part I
- Encrypting a New Device, Part II
- Encrypting an Existing Device
- Disabling Control Alt Delete
- Section Summary – Physical Security
- Linux Security: Quiz 2 – Physical Security
Account Security
- Section Overview – Account Security
- Intro to PAM
- PAM Configuration Example
- Password Security
- Account Security Demo #1 (UID 0)
- Controlling Account Access
- Security by Account Type
- Account Security Demo #2
- Account Security Demo #3 (Sudo)
- Linux Security: Quiz 3 – Account Security
Network Security
- Section Overview – Network Security
- Network Security, Part I
- Network Security, Part II
- Securing SSHD, Part I
- Securing SSHD, Part II
- Linux Firewall Fundamentals
- Configuring the Firewall from the Command Line
- Firewall Rule Specifications
- Example Firewall Rules
- Linux Firewall Demonstration
- Linux Security: Quiz 4 – Linux Firewalls
- TCP Wrappers, Part I
- TCP Wrappers, Part II
- Linux Security: Quiz 5 – Network Security
File System Security
- Section Overview – File System Security
- File and Directory Permissions, Intro
- File and Directory Permissions, Part I
- File and Directory Permissions, Part II
- Special Modes, Part I
- Special Modes, Part II
- File Attributes
- File Attributes Demo
- ACLs
- ACLs Demo
- Rootkits
- Rootkit Hunter Demonstration
- Rootkit Detection Software
    Additional Security Resources
- Additional Security Resources
- Linux Hardening Guides
- Linux Security Email Lists
- Security Meetups List
- Security Conference Videos
    Open All · Close All

you will learn Linux Security and Hardening

    How to protect your Linux systems against hackers.
    Ways to prevent attackers from breaking into your systems, even when they have physical access to your machine.
    How to enforce strong password policies and control password as well as account aging policies on your Linux servers.
    SSH Hardening practices.
    Network security tactics.
    Port scanning and network service detection.
    How the Linux firewall works and exactly how to configure it.
    How to protect the superuser (root) account.
    Ways to share accounts securely with an audit trail.
    File system security and encryption.
    Using and configuring sudo, and why you need to.
    Advanced Linux permissions include special modes, file attributes, and access control lists (ACLs).
    Much, much more!
    Unconditional 30 day money-back guarantee – that's my personal promise of your success!

 you will be able to tighten up the security on any Linux system. You'll learn the security weaknesses of the Linux operating system and be given step-by-step instructions on how to protect those weaknesses. You'll even learn some security concepts that apply to information security as a whole while focusing on the Linux specific issues that require special consideration.

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Git branch show detached HEAD

  Git branch show detached HEAD 1. List your branch $ git branch * (HEAD detached at f219e03)   00 2. Run re-set hard $ git reset --hard 3. ...