Thursday, February 18, 2021

Subnetting - Introduction to Subnetting


Concept derived from Udemy class - introduction to subnetting

How to do subnetting
- Understanding subnetting basic
- IPv4 addressing
- Numbering systems

Before Subneting
IP Address
- Network Identifier
- Host Identifier

After subnetting
IP address
- Network Identifier
- Host Identifier
  - Subnet Identifier
  - Host Identifier

Binary basic

Numbering system
- Decimal

- Binary (Base2)
  - Base10

1. Decimal numbers include
- 0 to 9
- Noted as Decimal or Dec
Decimal numbers
1 to any number does not matter
0, 5 10, 12345 999934343434

All numbers are decimal numbers.

Binary numbers
- Binary number include
-> 1 and 0
- Binary numbers are always 1 and 0
For example
0, 1, 10, 110, 110011 ......

Please note: 1 in binary does not mean 1 in decimal.
- Every binary number has a corresponding decimal value and vice-versa.

Binary number        Decimal Equivalent
------------        ------------------
1            1
10            2
1010            10
1111            15

Converting from binary to decimal

Each position for a binary number has a value
There are 8 positions and from right to left the power of 2 to 0 to 7
so we have

-    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    
2^7    2^6    2^5    2^4    2^3    2^2    2^1    2^0
128    64    32    16    8    4    2    1

Now, start from right to convert 1010
It takes 4 positions from right side

                1    0    1    0
---    --    --    --    --    --    --    --
128    64    32    16    8    4    2    1
                8    0    2    0
so we add which position value is 1, not the 0.
so, we have 8+0+0+2 = 10

1010 in binary is equal to 10 in decimal.
Note: If you have more binary number, you keep adding 2^x.
so you will have 2^8, 2^9 and so on.



- Smallest number you can represent
- In binary bits are 1s and 0s.
- Bits are infact electrical signals such as on or off.

- Bytes are group of 8 bits. 11111111

- Octets are grouping of 8 bits.
- For eg, 11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000 (NetMask)

How many different numbers?
- Lets tryUsing 2 bits (2^2 =4)

- There are 4 different binary numbers with two bits.
-> 00    (i.e. decimal 0)
-> 01    (i.e. decimal 1)
-> 10    (i.e. decimal 2)
-> 11    (i.e. decimal 3)

So, we have combinaton of 1s and 0s produces 4 different binary number.

-> Now try with 3 bits (2^3 - two to the power 3 = 8)
   2^4 = 16 bits
-> There are eight different binary numbers with three bits:
-> 000    (i.e. decimal 0)
-> 001    (i.e. decimal 1)
-> 010    (i.e. decimal 2)
-> 011    (i.e. decimal 3)
-> 100    (i.e. decimal 4)
-> 101    (i.e. decimal 5)
-> 110    (i.e. decimal 6)
-> 111    (i.e. decimal 7)

Now, converting from Decimal to a Binary

Now, take the decimal number and use the substraction. Lets pick a number 185

can we substract 185 from 128? lets try
now, the next number is 64, can we substract 64, no, so we use 0,
next number is 32, can we substract, yes, so
now, next number is 16, can we substract, yes
how about 8, yes we can
now, can we substract 1 from 1, yes
so we have

so, we can simplyfy this way, whereever you can substract, you use 1 and wherever you can't
use 0, so you get the answer

1    0    1    1    1    0    0    1
---    ---    ---    ---    ---    ---    ---    ---
128    64    32    16    8    4    2    1

Decimal number 185, can you substract 128 from 185? Yes

---    ---    ---    ---    ---    ---    ---    ---
128    64    32    16    8    4    2    1

so, the binary number of 185 is = 10111001

if you want to convert do dec, do the math

128    64    32    16    8    4    2    1
---    ---    ---    ---    ---    ---    ---    ---
1    0    1    1    1    0    0    1
128 +   0  +     32 +     16 +    8 +    0  +     0  +     1

Note: Subnet is build on binary system

        1    0    0    1    0    1
128    64    32    16    8    4    2    1

1. 10101010=128+42= 170
2. 10001101=141
3. 10010111=151
4. 01010101=85
5. 100101=37
6. 01111101
125-64= 61-32=29-16=13-8=5-4=1-1=0  [128 is missing so we add 0]
7. 63=00111111
63-32=31-16=15-8=7-4=3-2=1-1=0    [Missing values are 0, since we are missing for 128 and 64]
8. 48=110000 => 00110000

9. 250 = how?
10. 3608= 111000011000 how?


Numbering systems - Binary math

In binary, everything is 1s and 0s.

Binary addition
Note: in binary 1+1 is not equal to 2. It is either 0 or 1.

Lets add
  1    1    1
+        1

we add from right side 1+1, so value does not fit or we can't do it, we add 0
and 1 goes to 2s position
so it becames like this
  1    1    1
+    1    
    0    0
same thing happens and the 1 moves to 3rd position

  1    1    1
+ 1        
  0    0    0
again 0, so I moves to new position - 4th
so we add 0 to 4th position and add 1
so, the result is 0+1=1

  0     1    1    1
+ 1        
  1    0    0    0

Now, lets convert this binary number into decimal

0    0    0    0    1    0    0    0
---    ---    ---    ---    ---    ---    ---    ---
128    64    32    16    8    4    2    1
2^7    2^6    2^5    2^4    2^3    2^3    2^1    2^0
0 +    0 +    0 +    0 +    8 +     0 +    0 +    0

NOW, lets add another value
    1    0    1
+            1
here, 1+1=0, because we can't add there,
next step
    1    0    1
+        1    1
        1    0
0+1=1, here we can add 0 and 1 which becomes 1
so, we have no more value to add, so the final result is

    1    0    1
+        1    1
    1    1    0

convert this binary number to decimal
we have only 3 numbers, we its

1    1    0
2^2  +  2^1 +     2^0
4 +    2  +    1
4 +    2 +    0 =6    

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