Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Python - Command line arguement

 Command line arguements
> python 10 20
         argv[0] argv[1]   argv[2]

pre defined module sys module
in sys module has argv list

stores command line arguements.

The commmand line arguements passed to the python program are stored as strings
in a list called argv available in sys module.

Write a program to add two numbers using command line arguements.

you can also supply arguement through input function

Comments " """
This program adds two  numbers using
command line arguements.

# First import sys module
import sys
# index starts with 0
# type conversion
# x=argv[1]
# y=argv[2]
# you have to call like sys. becaause sys is a module
# but these values are string when they come in
# and we have to convert to integer
print('The Sum is = ',x)

now, save it ''

Now, go to command prompt and execute the program
> python 100 200
you will see the result

WE are passing three arguements
filename first_value second_value
index0  index1 index3

What happens if you supply Four values
-> The last one will be ignored because we haven't define the 4th index.

Data Types in Python

Dynamimic type language
when you assign a value, python automatically detects the type of value. even you change it, it will automatically knows.
Python will automatically knows what type of data it it.
for eg,

python will change the data type automatically.
for eg, we have x=10 - int
and we change to x="John" it changes to string

Some data types in python
1. int
2. Fload
3. Complex
4. str - string
5. bool - boolean - true/false
6. list
7. tuple
8. set
9. frozenset
10. dict - dictionary

Now, let us categorize them,
int, fload, complex => These are numeric type
str - text type
bool - boolean type (Can only store True or False)
list, tuple even sometime str - sequence types
set, frozenset -> set types
dict - mapping type

list,tuple, set, frozenset, dict are called collection type in python

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