Saturday, March 27, 2021

AWS - VPC Peering, VPC endpoint, database snapshot, encription, import

DMS - Database Migration Services
Class note - 3/27/2021
Today's topic: vpc peering, endpoint, migration

Region: NV
VPC - VPC gives you isolation
by default instances within a vpc can connect with each other
By default instances within two different VPC is denied

Connection within
- same region/multi region
- different account

Lets say we have two account
- from one account John creates a front end server
- From another account Bill creates a backend

How to do we connect?
- we will make both ip of the system public
- they will go over the net and make a connection
- Entire traffic will go through the internet and its not secure and reliable.

For secure connection
- We will only provide private ip to database server

How to secure the connection?
- AWS has product called global infrastructure
- Their own private network.
- Use their private global network to connect these two different VPC.
- These service is private, secure and fast.



connecting two vpc is called VPC peering
- know how to set up vpc peering

VPC end point


- Create two vpcs  A and B
- Plan for network:
VPC-A:- and
create elastic IP and assign to it.

Create two Subnets on VPC-A
- Public Subnet:
- Private Subnet:
create two instances

Create VPC in Mumbai
go to VPC
- launch vpc wizard
- vpc with public and private subnet
- VPC Name: vpc-mum
- VPC:
- Subnet private:
- Subnet:
- Attach elastic IP

Create VPC2 - In NV
- go to VPC
- launch wizard
- vpc with public private subnet
- as our plan is to peer the VPC. IP conflict happens so plan
Iv4 CIDR: 11.0.0./16
public IP: 11.0.0./24

Please note what AZ you are creating your subnet?
some az do not support free tier or some instances.
attach elastic IP

Now, go to ec2
- launch one instance
- amazon linux, default

Now, we have two subnets public and private on each VPCs



Now, go to mumbai VPC
- launch an instance
- amazon linux
- select private subnet that you created
- everything else is default tag: mumbai-VPC-private

same way create instance on public subnet
- make sure to tag

Create two instances same way at NVirginia as well

now we have to perform vpc peering

first login to these systems.

go to mumbai private instance and login
# ifconfig

We have to private instances
Mumbai instance:
NV instance:

now they don't have connectivity between these instances.
- since these systems do not have public ip.

now, in mumbai-VPC
we have instance with public ip (basin host: )

- Upload your key there
make sure to transfer the pem key that putty supports
now, from this public

lets login to this system.
# ifconfig
# ping (can ping, same VPC)
# ping (failed)

Now, logint to instance at NoVA-VPC
- go to peering connection
- click on create pering connection
- Name: NOVA-Peer
- now, vpc nova (requester) - NOVA
-- select anothe vpe to peer with

- my account - select
- another account

account IP:
    - this region
    - another region - select -> mumbai

VPC IP (Accepter): <specify vpcIP>  ->  Go to mumbai vpc and copy the VPC ID

request has been sent - now on pending state

Now, to go Mumbai VPC
-> Peering connection

you will see status as pending acceptance
You can review requester and acceptance.
Since we requested and they are same

To acccept
- click on action ->
accept request.

you will see alert, you can send and receive connection.
But you have to add route.

Now, VPC peering is done.

go back to your NOVA instance.
can you ping mumbai instance?
- NO

you have to update the routing table on both side.


login toprivate instance. use

go to NOVA VPC
- goto rvpc
click on route
Add/Edit route

add route    peering connection
and add

so, to go to private network, we added new route.

Now, go back to Mumbai
- go to vpc
- click on routes
- it has 11 network - local
- add route 10.0.0./24 and peering connection

now, two difference vpc and resources are able to communicate.
login to
now go ahead and ping
$ ping can ping

lets try to communicate
$ aws s3 ls

within aws instance, you can use keys or role

go to your instance
- action -> modify ami role
- create a role to allow s3.and attach

now, without supplying user/pw, your role allow you to connect.

$ aws s3 ls

It was possible because of NAT Gateway
on private instance -> We have netwdateway and it is going to internet which is not resucre

Go to VPC from mumbai
- click on vpc
remove the entry nat and save

now, technically removed nat and our private instance can't connect to internet or s3.
lets try again
$ aws s3 ls

it failed now,

even we have NAT Gateway, but we want to use private gateway.

we have to create VPC end point

we want the above command aws s3 ls to run.

how to do that? using VPC endpoint

VPC Endpoint

 VPC end point
Lets say you have one vpc, one private subnet and you have one instance running.

- you add one NAT gateway witin the VPC
- this NAT GAteway allow you to go to internet from your private instance but traffic can't be connected reverse.
- This instance can use s2, rds and other services. They can go but traffic can't not come to the instance.

Instance -> NAT Gateway -> VPC -> internet -> s3/rds
to make this happed, we have to establish vpc endpoint






 Go to VPC
-> Endpoints

- Click on create endpoing
- service category: aws services

- all the services are listed.
   what service your internal guys to use
- go and search s3     select type gateway not the interface

- now specify the vpc from mumbai
- now, you have multiple subnets, spefcify the subnet

at routing table
check on one of the box to enable routing table. this is basically allowing gateway of s3 thats why we have gateway as type

since our instance is running on private

policy - allow/deny -> control access with policy. write yaml or customize it there
            for this lab: we give full access.

click on create and your end point has been created and available.

now, go back again and try to run the command.

$ aws s3 ls

now, you can run the command.


Using kms. we can encipt the database

go to RDS
- mysql
user: admin
additional information
you didn't see encription

go to template and review if there is a way to encript the database?
There is an option for enable encription.

Lets say rds is already running and we forgot to enable encription

how do you encrippt your database?
- first create a snapshot
- now, encript the snaoshot
- from snapshot, you can launch new database (import)
- new database come up with encript database.

go to database
- take snapshot
go to snspshot
- encript
- from snpshot - resotre

DMS next week ....






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