RHEL8 Rollout plan
RedHat already released RHEL8 and we have to plan to migrade to latest version of RHEL8.
Task to perform,
- Make a list of application that are not compabible with RHEL7 and do conpatible with RHEL8.
- Review the systems that are good candidate for migration.
- Look for compatibility list to make sure they are supported.
Here is a list of application running currently
Funtion Migrate (Yes/No)
-------- ----------------
Database(oracle) Yes
Database(MariaFB) Yes
Nessus Yes
Nagios Yes
Solarwind Yes
loadbalancer Yes
logserver yes but need to discuss within team.
Repos-HUB Yes
---- add more list here.
Planning and execution
PhaseI: Preparation
- Prepare a list of servers
- Install RHEL 8 and start testing
- Create repo
- Build a gold image to install on rest of the servers
PhaseII:- Building new servers
- Start building new machins using gold image.
- Start using in-place upgrade as well.
PhaseIII: System Hardening
- Security is the key issuse of concern in the orgazition.
PhaseIV: Rollout
- Once your systems are near perfect, test, validate and ger approve for final rollout.
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