Kubernetes - Network Policy (like Security group in aws) 3-03-2021
Class - Note
ingress/inbound rule -> when in coming package pass through the firewall to your internal network.
POD IP always change. Increase/decrease and IP frequesntly changes.
if you set a rule to particular IP, and pod changes and ip changes, then it will not work.
POD -> label
POD to POD connection
pod -> Firewall -> POD
app=web -> selecctor --> app=web => destination -> .10.30
will be able to connect
if you want any application that you put inside POD,
- either client going to connect or
- other pod going to connect
Client ---------> POD (App)
POD ---------> POD (app)
Kubernetes know all pod by their label.
anyone comes from this label, allow access.
we have worker nodes and they have multiple PODS
w1 w2 w3
- p1 - p21 - p31
- p12 - p22 - p32
- p13 - p23 - p33
.... ..... .....
overlay network -> flunnel
try to implement a set up
launch a node aws cloud
- one in on-prem
- one worker on azure
try to put one server somewhere,
and connect ..
flannel package / agent
help to send the package from one pod to anther because of overlay network
flannel has capabity to control (filter/firewalling) the package?
- allow
- drop
No or I don't know how to control package.
thats why we have to change from flunnel to something else or add some plugins.
go to google and search for "cni plugins"
there are lots of plugins available
There is a plugin called calic0 which support network policy
There is another one wweave net
- Supports network and networking policy
> ssh -i mykey ssh -l ech-user
Follow the doc to quickly create
# kadm init --pod-network-cidr=10/16 .......
1. Launch new node
> ssh -i sshky -l ec20=-sue
get kubeadm
and join the master
# kadmin joing .....
connect to another node and join
# kubeadm joing 1..... --node-name node2
At master
# kc get nodes
# kc get po -n kube-system
coredns is running
download weave
go to the section
integrationg kubernetes via the addon
installation: one comand
launch with daemonset
# kc apply -f "https://clod.weave.works/.."
# kc get nodes
# kc get po -n kube-system
there is no concept of network plugins
but they have network policy
@master node
# ps -aux | grep -i kubelet
kubelet decides that you are using network-plugin
kubelet behind the scene use one config file
# cd /etc/cni/net.d
there are cni plug-ins availabel
all network related config go here.
There is a conf file
# cat 10-weave.conflist
plug-ins are like a program come with features.
All network related command go here
# cd /opt/cni/bin; ls
vlan, firewall go here..
in flannel -> every system they launch dhcp like feature which allow IP to POD.
so, technically, if you want to manage the addresses, or provide IP, you can use
- dncp server (managers ip to server,pod)
- IPM - IP address management.
IMP does kind of same like dncp but simpler.
# ps -ef | grep weave
you see weaver
- network range
- IP range
weave -> network policy is running
# kc create deployment myd --image=vimal13/apache-webserver-php --replicas=3
# kc get deploy
# kc expose myd --port=80 --type=NodePort
who knows IP can connect
# kc get pod
# kc get deploy
# kc get svc
You can connect
now, apply the policy
# kc get networkpolicy
there is no policy for network policy
Lets create a network policy
- resource network policy
See if there is command
# kc create -h
look for network policy -> nothing found
so we have to create a yaml file
# cat mynp.yaml
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: myfirewall # name of my firewall
# kc create -f mynp.yaml
now go to your web browser and refresh the page
you don't have connectivity
as soon as you put the firewall, all the traffic from anywhere to anywhere, anyport is denied.
explicit policy is to deny all.
if you don't create any policy or rule, it will deny everything.
least previledge
# kc describe networkpolicy myfirewall
Lets say we want to allow
I want any traffic come in, allow
# cat mynp.yaml
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: myfirewall
- ingress
two policy types
pod running -> anyone from outside can connect/drop
- pod can go out and can update software or something ...
- download and update
- outgoing egress mostly allowd
- ingress - by default deny
now, apply
# kc apply -f mynp.yaml
got error
what pod you want to allow
# cat mynp.yaml
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: myfirewall
- ingress
- {} # allow all
# cat mynp.yaml
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: myfirewall
- ingress
- {} # allow all
# kc apply -f mynp.yaml
again got error
pod selector is missing
# kc describe networkpolicy myfirewall
allow all the pods
from any ip
any pod in any namespace (default)
now, refresh the page, you will see the output.
this is allow all rule which is bad
allow particular port
Lets create a new deployment
# kc create deploy myd1 --image=httpd
# kc expose deploy myd1 --port=80 --type=NodePort
# kc get svc
get clusterIp and port
go to browser and test or use cmd
> curl http://1ip:port
now, we like to restrict
how do you know what port to restrict
# kc get pod
# kc get pod --show-labels
allow this particular pod
check from label
equility based
# cat mynp.yaml
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: myfirewall
- ingress
- {} # allow all port/protoclol
app: myd # only allow myd pod
# kc apply -f mynp.yaml
# kc get pods
# vi
# cat mynp.yaml
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: myfirewall
app: myd
- ingress
- ports:
- protocal: TCP
port: 80
# kc apply -f mynp.yaml
# kc describe
> curl ip:port
google for Network polucy in kubernetes
you see a yaml @k8s.io
you see ingress, egress rule
they set up rule for ip
cidr : ip/16 block all ip
- ip/24
# cat mynp.yaml
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: myfirewall
app: myd
- ingress
- from:
- ipBlock:
- ports:
- protocal: TCP
port: 80
# kc apply -f mynp.yaml
# kc describe networkpolicy myfirewal
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Day 27 - Kubernetes - Network Policy (like Security group in aws) 3-03-2021
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