Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Day 40 - AWS - Elastic Container Service (ECS cluster)

AWS - Session 40 Apr 23, 2021

Elastic Container Service (ECS cluster)

1. Start your local RHEL8 machine

App -> OS (App/web server) -> Create image (AMI) -> launch on platform

Image -> AMI -> EC2

VM1 VM2 (Shared Resources)

or launch OS on dedicated host


Image -> Containers

Basic inf about Docker

# docker info
# docker images

docker hun

# docker run -dit --name z1 vimal12/apache-webserver-php

# docker inspect z1

reviw the ip
# docker ps
# curl

if you want to connect from outside, it does not work

You have to expose

# docker run -dit --name z2 -p 8080:80 vimal13/apache-webserver-php

-p mean patting

# docker ps

# ifconfig enp0s3
get the IP

what we mean on above docker run command is that any request comes to <hostIP>:8080 is redirected to docker_ip:80

so, lets try this at your browser

# docker run -dit --name z3 -p 8081:80 vimal13/apache-webserver-php
Every time you launch a new instance, you have to change the port number otherwise it will fail.

# netstat -tnlp | grep 8080

two program can't run on one single port

# docker run -dit --name z4 -p 8082 vimal13/apache-webserver-php

rather than specifying port number to every instance, docker folk came up with idea to assign the port automatically.

# docker run -dit --name z5 -P vimal13/apache-webserver.php

-P (Upper case) - publish
it will take random port and expose it.

# docker ps
# docker run -dit --name z6 -P vimal13/apache-webserver.php
# docker ps

# docker run -dit --name z2 -P vimal13/apache-webserver-php

Lets talk about ECS

we have
- SYSTEM - RHEL8 -> Docker Engine -> Containers

AWS will provide the HW (System)

EC2 will provide RAM/CPU

Women glow differently when they are treated right and loved properly.

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