Monday, May 10, 2021

Day1- Introduction to Terraform

 👉 Why Terraform is used for?
- Terraform is an infrastructure provisioning tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. Terraform can manage existing and popular service providers as well as custom in-house solutions. It is used to manage infrascture using HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) code (also known as IAC or Infrastructure as Code) to automate the provision of the infrastructure. It uses a very simple syntaxt and can be provision the infracture across multiple cloud and on-premises data centers. We can safely and efficiently provision/reprovision the infrascture (at VMWare, AWS, GCP, and deploys infrastructure) for any configuration changes. It is one of the most popular tool available as IAC - infrascture as Code.
Configuration files describe to Terraform the components needed to run a single application or your entire datacenter.

👉 What is Infrastructure as Code ?
- Infrascture as code means defining infracture in a code which when executed, it creates or builds or provisions infrascture (Servers, routers and more) based on the written code. or you can say, IAC is a method of managing and provisioning the computer systems in data center using machine readable definition files, rather than physical hardware configuration or interactive configuration tools.

Infrastructure as code (IaC) means to manage your IT infrastructure using configuration files.

IaC helps to aotomate the provision of infrascture, allow your organization to develop, deploy, and scale  your cloud applications with reduced cost and faster and risk free fashion.

👉 What's the difference between Terraform and ansible?
- Terraform is infrascture management tool which ansible is mostly use for configuration management. They can do both jobs but there are little differences between them.
- Terraform is opensource , declarative tool which ansible is both declarative and procedural configuration.

👉 What is provider in Terraform?
- Provider is the keyword used in terraform which specifiy you what cloud environment you will be working on. The value you define for provider will decide where you rinfrascture will be provisioned. Based on the provider, the plugins are downloaded which will interact with remove system. You must declare the provider while writing the code.

The providers (AWS, AZURE, GCP and etc) are used to provision a resources.

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