Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Day6-terraform on google - GCE

 day6-terraform on google - GCE

> gcloud init

create account on gcloud


compute service - EC2

In your account first
1. create a project.
- create service
- create database service
- deploy webus/cli/api

based on the project, blling and everything

1. click on your account and
create new project (through web or GUI or CLI) to create a new project

Name: myterraform

remember to note the ID, which is also the project IP. Give name wisely. its very imporant

now, you will be on project.

click o your account and you will see what project you are in.

on the left side, you will see different menus services and you can directly launch fromt here.

click on compute Engine -> VM instances

-> compute Engine API

click on enable to activate it..

google: gcp region list
global locations


Goal: Step by step


Login: auth: user/pass
code: Key
Project ID: myterraform
region: asia_south1


go to terraform : searh provider: google
- google provider
- authentication

look for credential

> mkdir day5; cd day5
> notepad main.tf

provider "gogole" {
  project    = "myterraform"
  region    = "asia-south1"


look for authentication part

- we use access key to login and store in a file.
  - create service account
  - create key and store in a file

IAM and Admin
-> service account -> You will see your existing account.
-> this account is associated some policy or role
-> click on it and click on Keys
-> click on add key - create new key
-> select JSON (by default)
-> Click on Create and will be downloaded on your local PC.
Note: Keey it secret

go to documents/terraform-training/google/gce-key.json

> notepad main.tf

provider "gogole" {
  project    = "myterraform"
  region    = "asia-south1"
  credentials     = "gce-key.json"

> terraform init

downloads the plugins for provider

go back to compute service, and write how to launch manually
- computer Engine -> VM instance -> Create a new instance

give os name: os2
vm: os2
region: select mumbai
instance type - machine family -> by default E2-medium
machineType: ec-medium
boot disk (AMI) - click on change and select the os you want.
specify boot-disk image name: debian
boot disk type and size: 10G

go to network settting
click on management / networking
VPC/Network: default (Network Interface)

give os

name: os2
vm: os2
region: select mumbai
instance type - machine family -> by default E2-medium
machineType: ec-medium
boot disk (AMI) - click on change and select the os you want.
specify boot-disk image name: debian
boot disk type and size: 10G

go to network settting
click on management / networking
VPC/Network: default (Network Interface)

convert it into terrafrom code.

google for google service acount and look for example.

> notepad main.tf

provider "gogole" {
  project    = "myterraform"
  region    = "asia-south1"
  credentials     = "gce-key.json"

resource "google_compute_instance" "os1"
  name        = "os1"
  machine_type    = "e2-medium"
  zone:     = "asia_south1"

tags =

look for document what keyworks are optional and mandetory

> terraform plan

errors: account_id is require

google for: gcloud cli command
go to cloud sdk and click on install SDK and click on cloud DSK installer

after you install, one cmd is avialable..
> gcloud init
helps you to login

select 2
enter project name:
it will configure on  your local system.

now, try again
> terrafro plan

> notepad main.tf

provider "gogole" {
  project    = "myterraform"
  region    = "asia-south1"
  credentials     = "gce-key.json"

resource "google_compute_instance" "os1"
  name        = "os1"
  machine_type    = "e2-medium"
  zone:     = "asia_south1"

> tf plan

need to specify network interface, book disk required

copy the example code

> notepad main.tf

provider "gogole" {
  project    = "myterraform"
  region    = "asia-south1"
  credentials     = "gce-key.json"

resource "google_compute_instance" "os1" {
  name        = "os1"
  machine_type    = "e2-medium"
  zone:     = "asia_south1-c"

boot_disk {
  initialize_params {
    image = "debian-cloud/debian-9"

network_interface {
  network = "default"

>tf plan
> tf apply

error: if any, review

otherwise, instance should be created.

go to the console and see if you ca see other insances.

> tf destroy --help

destroy specific resource
> tf destroy -target=resource



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