Friday, June 4, 2021

Day12 - Terraform workspace, regex

 Day12 - Terraform - 06042021

Workspace, regex

> mkdir wp; cd wp

> notepad
provider "aws" {
 region = "ap-south-1"
 profile = "default"

variable "type" {
 type = map
 default = {
  dev = "t2.micro"
  test = "t2.small"
  prod = "t2.large"
resource "aws_instance" "webos1" {
    ami = "ami..."
    instance_type = "t2.micro"
      security_group     = [ "webport-allow" ]
    key_name = "terraform_key"

    tags = {
       Name = "We server by TF"

output "o1" {
  value = terraform.workspace

get help
> terraform workspace -h
> tf worksapce list
> tf workspace show


> notepad
provider "aws" {
 region = "ap-south-1"
 profile = "default"

variable "type" {
 type = map
 default = {
  dev = "t2.micro"
  test = "t2.small"
  prod = "t2.large"
resource "aws_instance" "webos1" {
    ami = "ami..."
    instance_type = lookup (var.type, terraform.worspace)
    tags = {
       Name = "We server by TF"

output "o1" {
  value = terraform.workspace

> tf worspace show
> tf apply
> tf workspace -h

chnage your env
> tf workspace select dev
> tf worksapce show
> tf apply    @ it will automatically understands you are on dev env.


Google: terraform regex

regex function

go through the example ..

say you are retriving some values

- create pattern, format
regex(pattern, format)

get only characters
> terraform console
regex("[a-z]+", "24442,5323423basjkdhfsdh4")

do more function

replace function

> replace("1 + 2 + 3", "+", "-")
1 - 2- 3

> replace (hello world". "/w.*d/", "everybody")

There are lots of functions and go through these documents..


- Dev  -> GCP
- Test -> AZ
- Prod -> AWS

EC2 - web server
    - DB RDS server

- VM instances
- Launch database service

google - multicould strategy example

FE (WordPress)    -> GCP      
DB (MySql)     -> AWS - RDS


google teraform data sources
- to retirve partucular value
and use on other resource..

resource "aws_instance" "app" {
 ami = "$(}"
 instance_type = "t2.micro"

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