Monday, June 28, 2021

RHEL7 - Puppet agent update

 Puppet agent update from 6.22 to 6.23

1. Repo clean
$ ansible -i host-list all -a "yum clean all" -b -K

2. Install/update package
$ ansible -i host-list all -m yum -a "name=puppet-agent-6.23.0-1.el17.x86_64 state=present" -b -K

3. Verify
$ ansible 0i host-list all -o -a "rpm -q puppet-agent" | sort

4. Run aide audit
$ ansible -i host-list all -a "aide --init" -b -K

5. Verify file is created
$ ansible -i host-list all -o -a "ls -l /var/lib/aide/" -b -K | sort

6. Copy new file and overwrite the old one.
$ ansible -i host-list all -a "cp -av /var/lib/aide/ /var/lib/aide.db.gz"

$ ansible -i host-list all -o -a "rpm -q puppet-agent" | sort

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