Monday, June 7, 2021

Install HPE Foundation on HPE machine

 How to set up HPE Foundation 2.4.2 repository

1. Copy the software
# mkdir /opt/foundation
# mount -t iso9660 /var/tmp/hpe-foundation-2.4.2-cd1-media-rhel77-x86_64.iso /mnt
# cp -Rvp /mnt/* /opt/foundation
# umount /mnt

2. Set up repo
# cat <<EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/foundation-2.4.2_.repo
name = HPE Foundaton 2.4.2 - \$basearch
baseurl = file:///opt/foundation/RPMS
gpgcheck = 1
gpgkey = file:///opt/foundation/RPM-GPG-KEY-hpe

3. Perform the update
# yum --enablerepo=foundation-2.4.2-repo check-update

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